
From the Kotaku article "Remembering Capcom’s Great Nintendo Promise / Betrayal" May 31, 2011:

January Jones kept her clothes on?

This is a little off topic, but seems like the right place to post this today seeing as we're discussing Wolverine's kid. I was watching X-Men Last Stand on TV last night, and for some reason it occurred to me that the mutants in the X-men verse shouldn't be able to have kids. Like how mules and ligers can't

Just to be clear, we're not talking about a catheter here. It is an actual scope. I had to have this done once. The scope is about the diameter of a tire gauge. It is made of metal and it gets inserted right up in there. It has a light on the end that goes in and the doctor looks at your bladder through the other end.

I just hope they make a 4th film that explains how Sam keeps getting hot chicks. But I agree with your point, uglier and stiffer (and not the good kind of stiff, if you know what I mean).

Thanks for spoiling the end of Enterprise for me. (Not that I was EVER going to watch it, but still!)

Well that's pretty ironic coming from the Fable folks considering it takes about a weekend to finish one of their epics and they offer very little in the way of re-playability. They'r ethe last people who should be complaining about this.

I've always felt that you go to a Pirates movie for Captain Jack, but you stay for Captain Barbosa.

This doesn't effect me because I keep track of time according to the Shire Reckoning.

This policy is why I am now rocking an Android phone. No more iOS for me. The thing about Apple is, aren't they just reliving the PC battle from the early 90's all over again. I don't know if anyone remembers the control Apple exerted over the Macintosh OS, but they killed anything that remotely threatened their

Ah yee-ah, there's a new 6 foot dwarf lord in town and he's got a new axe! (That's me after I buy this sucker)

Humble Brag much?

Should help answer the question whether or not Mormons are Christians at least. (I'm Mormon, I can make that joke ;-)

My LG manufactured T-Mobile G2X has light bleed. I guess now I know I'm not crazy.

They got me with the toggle switch. If every instrument in my car could be controlled via toggle switch, I would be in heaven.

Someone forgot the tag

This isn't really surprising. I'm still buying my two kids with April birthdays DS Lites. (Actually I bought one new DS Lite and sent the other one back to Nintendo to be repaired for $90, good deal, includes a new one year warranty). Also, Gamestop is selling their stock of used GBA games BOGO Free, so I loaded up on

I liked this movie better the first time I saw it, when it had the Power Puff Girls in it.

Dear Houston, quit crying and get to work on a new shuttle.