
Exactly.   With the sheer number of people embracing “van life” this is a no-brainer.    Hell I’d buy one. 

C’mon now.

This is literally an everyday occurrence in the Lamar Valley of Yellowstone. 

My daughter just turned 16. My soon-to-be ex-wife insisted she has a car. I was getting ready to trade this in, but gave it to her instead. 2010 Subaru Forester 2.5x. Bare bones. Only thing it lacked that I wish it had was a manual transmission.

Rural West Virginia in the late 1980s.  Same colors and everything. I believe the kid wrecked it within a year.

Hmm... I believe clothes shaming is not cool.  Like that one kid who wore Toughskins all the way past 7th grade (probably before your time).... we were told to not mention it. 

Whoa? That’s awesome.  

Came here for this. 

Oooooh!   A slideshow.   Just the thing I needed on a Monday morning!  

Didn’t this site establish that Tarek was the one that was out of control? 

Considering they’ve only had what, 120 years to get the combustion engine reliability down.... I’m not holding my breath. 

Yeah, but it’s another Jalopnik whipping-boy, the Chevrolet Corvette.  

And most rumors put Miranda cheating on Blake.  So there that.... 

Tony Thompson in the Power Station was pure bliss. Along with Andy Taylor’s guitar, John Taylor’s bass and the vocals of Robert Palmer....well that is the true definition of a Supergroup.

Ozone in the stratosphere = good

Hit some Colter Wall too.  

Agreed.   I see that HoF solo pop up constantly and while it’s fantastic, it’s not as great as Minnesota thinks it is. 

I too am a transplant who now lives in the Minneapolis area, and I also find it outright bizarre how much Prince is worshipped in this state.

One word:   DODGE

I just LOVE having that vinegar taste in my coffee that lasts for days.