If Ford reliability is better than FCA reliability, then I think they have a winner on their hands.
If Ford reliability is better than FCA reliability, then I think they have a winner on their hands.
How’s the roof coming off this thing again?
How does Kristen Lee feel in it? Cramped?
Come on, it’s a GM product Jalopnik. You need to find something wrong with it before any more info is released. Make haste, please.
For the love of all that’s holy, when will this be revealed??.... don’t NSX it. They keep saying “soon” but that never seems to happen.
Didn’t he say he wanted to keep it for 20 years? Yeah, good luck getting an FCA product to last that long without sinking a boatload of money into it.
Didn’t he say he wanted to keep it for 20 years? Yeah, good luck getting an FCA product to last that long without sinking a boatload of money into it.
I want to like this truck..... I really do. But it’s so damned ugly I just can’t get past it. Strangely, I love the idea of the new Gladiator, but I refuse to buy another FCA product after getting burned by my last purchase. Hello Tacoma.
I’m confused, the Lead Engineer says there is actually more interior space inside the new Corvette, but Kristen Lee said it was incredibly cramped inside of there.... and she’s like what? 5'5" or so?
^^ Which accounts for about 75% of the Jalopnik Hipsters around here. ^^
Anything you can take the top off of, and isn’t a convertible car or any FCA product is looking pretty good in my book.
^^ THIS ^^ Came here to buy these....guess not?
^^ THIS ^^ Came here to buy these....guess not?
I don’t know Justin.... did Kristen feel cramped in it? If so, probably not very exciting.
SSSShhhhhsh. (This goes against the Jalopnik narrative.).....It was too tight for TINY Kristen Lee everybody! Too cramped!!!
Well Jalopnik had to find SOMETHING to latch on to with the new Corvette. It is, afterall, a Corvette and this is of course Jalopnik.
Owned two FCA products over the years. Never again. Never again.
If you must (and I don’t recommend it): Lease, don’t buy, FCA products.
Will be hitting my 50th birthday this year. First time pickup buyer as well. The gladiator hits just about everything I want... with the exception it’s a FCA product. I plan on owning for at least 10 years, but most likely more. When the Tacoma is out there, I’m sorry....but just no.
This is Jalopnik. Any FCA product is the best. Ever.
So I’m guessing Jim could have shaved that time down a few seconds if that’s the case. Too bad he retired.
I believe they had a different driver back then, (Jim Mero maybe? I think he recently retired and was their usual driver), who was much (much) more familiar with the Ring. Just my guess though.