
The opening at Jabba’s palace stands with the best sequences in the whole saga ...

Agreed.  I thought she was pretty damn good

EXCELLENT review.  Thank you for this terrific piece.

As a runner I see the value of this exercise.  It makes your legs stronger and, in turn, faster.  Super.  But I hate them so, so much.  So I found a happy medium.  I will do them ... but only with body weight.  And only 3 short sets ... 8 reps each.  I figure doing something I can mentally tolerate is better than

I always use baking powder if I’m air frying the wings.  Definitely helps dry out the skin some, but it’s not perfect.  Thicker pieces of skin can still be mushy .

This sounds like it might work in preparing wings as well.  What do you think?

hoo boy

Re. ginger ale to assist with nausea: you’re right that there’s probably not enough ginger in your Canada Dry to do anything to abate nausea (even if ginger is effective, which who knows) BUT isn’t it the case that the sugar can do the trick?  Isn’t the most active ingredient in Emetrol the sugar?

A few others:

Decision to Leave and Nope.  Yep!  Two of my favorites this year for sure.

And mercy aside, Joel knows for certain that letting them live necessarily means they will come hunting for him at some point.  He’s got to eliminate that threat in order to preserve survival.

Disagree re. Scream, but I’m with you on A New Nightmare. Conceptually it’s fantastic. But the execution was a little ... meh. I felt like one of its biggest flaws was that one of the main characters was played by a director who, let’s face it, wasn’t a very good actor.

The best of those “let’s remake the 70s movies” is The Hills Have Eyes (2006). Is that a slasher? Probably not, I guess. But damn that remake is incredible.

Part 3 leans so HARD into the 3D nonsense that it feels all gimmick and no heart.  It just moves from set piece to set piece throwing yo-yos and pitchforks in your face.

Strong agree re. Part 2. It is, I think, the scariest by far. Classic slasher suspense and jump scares, gory kills and genuinely scary imagery (with the best example of course being the shrine to mom’s head).

YES. This all day. I’m not sure I agree with Bryan that there’s a lot of nuance in this movie. Now, to be clear, I haven’t seen it in a long time and I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. But my recollection, like yours, is that it’s mostly kind of problematic ... the audience cheered for him because the

High school definitely explains some of it. BUT ... I remember my dad also being pretty darn convinced D-FENS was the good guy.  hoo boy!

Good to know!  I’ve only watched a walkthrough and it must have been poorly edited.  That makes more sense

Hmmm ... while I want to believe that people had varying takes on this movie (consistent with the Newsweek headline) my lived-in experience was definitely different. I was a senior in high school when this came out and my recollection is that everyone in my orbit viewed D-FENS unequivocally as the hero. I remember

One correction: in the DLC they don’t dance (and certainly not with masks). Riley takes Ellie’s Walkman and plugs it into a stereo and starts playing music. A second later, before any dancing can commence, an infected pops out and Riley draws a gun and shoots. Scene then cuts back to Ellie in “present” time. When it