
I knew nothing about the show but the theme music, so any nostalgia I had for it was immediately satisfied.


Your takeaway is much like mine. I thought this was a muddled mess. Perhaps if Davis was itching for this story from the beginning, then it least we get an (albeit simplistic) moral tale: guy seeking to profit from a personal tragedy gets his comeuppance. But Davis wasn’t after this story at all. He only reluctantly

Ah ok.  

I have seen a few of these, and I look forward to seeing the others. And now for my “what about”:

I think Every Breath You Take’s guitar riff is one of the best riffs of all time.  COME AT ME

I actually loved Darjeeling. That’s the thing with Anderson, everyone has their favorites.  My list below will look so much different than anyone else’s.

metalhead is absolute bottom for me as well

I agree with everyone below noting that 15 isn’t enough slots for this inventory. One I’d add (and hasn’t been mentioned yet) is Under the Dome. CBS went ALL IN on that bad boy, and what they got in return was a pretty good pilot episode and then a whole shit load of trash. Wow did that get very bad, very quickly. It

The book is not great. It’s as subtle as a blunt hammer to the head (the evil force IS his addiction, ya get it?!). Kubrick adapted (key word there) some of the themes to create a movie that was far more interesting and compelling than that book could have ever been.

He has such a knack for vividly capturing certain emotions in his lyrics. That quote is quintessential young love and that euphoric feeling of falling for someone.

Wild Mood Swings was always wildly (see what I did there?) underappreciated.

ha!  this made me laugh out loud (particularly because we are in the same profession).  Carry on!

Yeah I guess that’s true.  Tooshay!

I’ll give you this: you are so willing to die on your stupid argument hill!  Go for it!

I love how these guys always pop in to tell us how their little fee fees are hurt, but don’t stick around long enough for the response because they’re too fragile to handle being called out.

Always with the “twists” and “reveals.” Come on, guys. That’s not what this show is about and I’d hope after 4 seasons you’d have figured that out. None of these things will happen. What you see on the screen is what it is. The question isn’t “what’s the big twist?” the question is, as it’s always been: “how will the

William thanks again for another excellent review.  Really great work

Both are terrible movies, but you’re right that IV getting more guff than III is simply unjustified: they are both pieces of shit.  And, to your point, I’m willing to say that IV does a hell of a lot more on its shoestring budget than III accomplished with its blockbuster budget.

I remember how everybody was clamoring for the famous Chuck Mitchell to show up in his beloved signature role!