
You can certainly agree, right, that it’s meant to be ambiguous? Nothing in the show’s universe confirms this is true. Jesus Christmas sometimes I’m annoyed to talk to my 4 year old because he goes on and on about nonsense. He’s 4! And he’s definitely mine!

Fahy deserves an Emmy for that scene alone.  What a knockout performance

It is so goddam original and so goddam FUN

Right!  Lucia sees right through Albie and his nice guy bullshit.

There IS NO PIMP!  come on!

Lucia’s “scamming” him in the sense that she’s going to use his affection for her to her benefit. Albie’s not paying her for sex but he’s certainly going to end up paying her. She’s convincing him that she has a pimp who is threatening her to continue to pay up. She doesn’t have a pimp. She wants Albie to give her the

I’m with you (of course! lol). While MW at this point in the season might be suggesting there’s some big sinister plot, it’s probably something more pedestrian. I believe (and maybe I’m wrong) those aren’t the stories he’s interested in telling. He’s interested in the various contours of the relationships we have

Everything with everyone on the show is transactional, so yeah, I agree that Quentin probably wants something, but I’m still not convinced that it’s as sinister as White wants us to think it could be at the moment.

I read Daphne “accidentally” showing Harper her kids as tragic. Like she was saying, “Please, for the sake of our marriage and my children, don’t explicitly reveal out loud what I already know in my heart, because then I’d have to end the marriage and be alone.” Daphne’s like Bert’s wife, staying with Cameron and

That’s an interesting thought but it wasn’t my takeaway at all. I think Manuel’s more correct on this: she’s suggesting to Harper that she stays because she “copes” with his adultery by engaging in her own ... and then she “accidentally” shows her a pic of their kids. It’s kinda like “you’ve heard what I said but now l

Yeah I had my captions on and the caption said “solid days” and I was like “that’s not right.”  Weird 

I love your comments. Always. You are able to articulate exactly the takeaways I have. When I come down to the comments I feel the only thing I need to say is “yes, what ohnoray said.” Cheers!

How about Coolidge mouthing “gypsy” when she was told you aren’t supposed to say that anymore?!  I was HOWLING!

This has always been my read as well.  A crushingly sad admission.  So powerful.

Also the notion that prices are “down” in any meaningful way on any of these watches is horseshit. Maybe they are down from their absurd highs of 2021, but they are hardly down from any other metric. The cheapest men’s Oyster at Crown & Caliber right now is $8600, and the average price is around $10k.  For an Oyster! 

I’m typically not one to be asking for trigger warnings, but my wife and I have had some issues in this respect and she was genuinely troubled by the scene. She said gosh I wish I had a warning before watching that.

Precisely, and on top of that the council was planning to fuck up Rhaenyra and install Aegon as king in any event.  So Alicent coming on board only meant that she was part of the team rather than a hurdle they’d have to contend with.  In other words, the misreading itself was not the cause of Aegon being installed as

Ummm ... did you read the article?

To me it’s a grower that’s actively growing on me, BUT it does temporarily get bogged down in the middle. The problem, I think, is with the sequencing of “Snow on the Beach.” That track is genuinely a fucking trudge, and it makes the somewhat samey sounding (but far superior) subsequent tracks (“You’re On Your Own,

haha good point, and you’re right.  The problem with the Warrens, and I wasn’t clear in my post, is that they are particularly disgusting because their approach is best described as “tell grieving people that their family members died at the hands of ‘malevolent spirits’ rather than suicide prompted by crushing