
Preach. Please get ANYTHING Warren related off of lists like this. If the Warrens were involved, rest assured it’s not real. These people are despicable grifters, who made a career at the expense of innocent people dealing with unspeakable grief.

Loved Southbound

ain’t that the truth!  I’m probably giving them too much credit

showing the literal physical dangers of sitting on the Iron Throne

She gave this episode a B+ and mostly praised it ... along with some well-placed criticism (which should be expected given that she’s ... ya know ... a critic?).  So what the fuck are you going on about?

PREACH.  I strongly second your opinion.

I am REALLY loving House of the Dragon, and that scene captures exactly why. It was so well done. That it was nearly offscreen, but also viscerally violent, made it even better.

You get this.  You REALLY get this.  Very well written.

Ninja Robot is ultimately correct, though, right? These were definitely NOT the king’s reinforcements!  I mean, wasn’t that the point of EVERYTHING?!  Daemon says fuck it ... I’m going to show my brother that we don’t need his help, even if it kills me.

I’m an old and have vivid memories of this time period. Here’s my take: Season 1 aired in Fall 1990 and was HUGE. Season 2 faceplanted after the first few episodes beginning in Fall 1991, and as noted was unceremoniously ditched. This film was released in Fall 1992, a solid two years after the phenomenon of Season 1,

These are all great points.  Now I feel better!

I don’t know why it bothers me because this is, at the end of the day, silly fantasy fiction, but the fact that there was apparently ZERO progress - technologically or otherwise - over 200 years REALLY BUGS ME. Did they even bother to give any thought to this? Again, I know this isn’t “reality,” but time apparently

Yes, precisely.  This show is not a wicked, clever mystery show and it never held itself out to be.  It’s an ensemble comedy with a murder mystery to drive the plot.

But again you’re missing the point: she was forgettable. This show isn’t reality. It’s satirical. It’s heightened reality. What better way to make the point that she’s forgettable than have no one recognize her in her own hometown, and after “Becky” has become semi-famous as a missing girl?

This all day.  It was purposeful and not a plot hole.

I guessed it after the end of “Sparring Partners,” when they were strongly signaling that it was Cinda. I said to my wife, “it’s not THAT easy, they have one more twist so it’s probably Poppy and not Cinda.” Just a wild guess because I figured it would have to be someone close to Cinda but not Cinda, and she was the

I really enjoyed your reviews, Saloni! Well done. You’re so right - Selena absolutely killed it this season. My favorite line was Mabel’s in this last episode: “Are you two having a stroke or am I?”

But their conclusion that the texter was the killer (or a bad person tied to the killer) WAS supported by something: the “detective” agreed to meet with them in NYC, yet our heroes knew she was in Colorado. So they concluded that they must not be texting with the detective but rather someone posing as her. It was

Steve Martin and Martin Short did a lengthy interview with Howard Stern right before Season 1 aired and these two master performers said, unequivocally, that Selena was essential to the show and they would not have done it without, specifically, her. They said that she made them funnier, period, and that without her

Selena Gomez has FAR more chemistry with James Caverly than she does with Cara Delavingne.  Loved this episode and loved this pairing.