
I also think the show would be a lot stronger without the whole Keir element. Lumon would be much more terrifying (and relatable) as a concept if it was just a sinister corporate behemoth, not a goofy cross between Scientology and Mormonism.”

say what now?

this all fucking day 

HA!  That’s awesome.  Macy’s fake head is even bigger than the real Fuisz head.

Baffling, right?! Why was it seemingly SO important to match the real Richard Fuisz’s bald head? I mean, who the fuck knows what Richard Fuisz looks like anyway?

Hard agree.  Excellent track

I’m probably just an old nerd dad with terrible taste [looks in mirror ... yep], but I am actually loving this album.  It’s really freaking good!

oh but what about”

And “gave Carrey his chance” is a flat out fucking bullshit way of framing what happened.  The audio is there to be heard.  Gayle ASKED him to give his thoughts.

Two things: (1) Carrey didn’t volunteer his opinion, Gayle King DIRECTLY ASKED HIM; and (2) in MY opinion I thought his sentiments were spot on. I mean Jesus Christ security didn’t even come to the stage! WTF world are we living in that this is ok?!

we miss you, Marty!

Ouch.  Ugh that’s so true.  I was also 12, and yeah 48 year old me isn’t looking as spry as 59 year old Tom.  Must be all of those Thetans or whatever.

Your brain is out of whack, Marty. Maybe because you’re dead! Top Gun came out in Summer 1986.

give this fella more stars!

For me it’s a close tie with Tender Mercies, but agree re. Tommy Lee Jones.

Just came down here to scream at the top of my lungs: IF YOU LOVE DUVALL YOU MUST WATCH TENDER MERCIES.  Goddam what a beautiful film and such a beautiful, understated performance by Duvall.  

Her exasperated “I can’t believe you’re the person I have to talk to about all of this” was PITCH perfect. I laughed out loud.  Love her.

Seyfried is absolutely gorgeous AND the reviewer nails it here ... her look and her performance creates this “not-cute weird” character. Such a bizarre phrase but also weirdly spot on. She’s so, so good in this.

Same. Every CEO I’ve encountered through work or otherwise has been, without fail, an extraordinarily talented individual. This bizarre generalization that most are “often clueless about a lot of things” (direct quote from above) is really, really silly.

The third single from FJM’s upcoming album is my favorite (“Goodbye Mr. Blue”). Really looking forward to this. I’m in the minority on this, I know, but God Favorite’s Customer is my favorite album by him. Imminently listenable from front to back.