
Runner here. I feel like (and, I know, “feeling” like something isn’t science!) if I stop running there is simply nothing that I could replace it with that could match the heart-healthy, cardio benefits of a good run. What does science say on this?

I think he’s producing it?  I think Rob Zombie hired Rob Zombie

she’s terrible

Shook to the core!  Oh man ROTJ was the biggest event movie of my lifetime.

You crack me up every time you post about nostalgic stuff! I immediately relate because we are apparently the exact same age. I saw it with my older cousin, who was also 9. And we were also shook!

I’m here for this. I enjoy these “gap-fillers” within the larger story.

by a ... bat mile? ...

Two years later I’m here to say you nailed it. Clearly this wasn’t a great movie. But damn it CERTAINLY was everything you’d expect out of a big mid-90s blockbuster. It ticked all the boxes. Did I love it? I don’t know. But I certainly loved the experience of it: the hype, the EW coverage, the stars, the McDonalds tie

Tom this is some of your best work on the AV Club.  Glad they brought this one back around!

this one is GOOD

Spot on. It’s almost inexplicably bad.  The bizarre “political”(?) subtext is ... inscrutable(?).  The characters are sheets in the wind.  It’s mostly an excuse for a gore-fest but even then it’s weirdly incoherent.  The folks here saying “well ... the first 40 minutes were actually good” must have seen a different

Having now seen this, I can safely say Dowd’s D+ is WILDLY generous.  This is pure trash.  It’s barely a film.  It’s mostly a shitty excuse for a handful of ultra-gory set pieces ... set pieces that are just ugly and empty because there aren’t any actual characters in the movie.  Pure, unadulterated garbage.  And not

I’m rooting for anything that can ruin this villainous sociopath.

I’ve always viewed their viral videos as eye-rolls, maybe because the stupid cynic in me had a hard time believing that this family was so fun and fun-loving. But, dammit, I’ve come around hard. I LOVE them on this season of Amazing Race. As Penn points out, if you’re a fan of this show you know it brings out the

WOW!  I just said to my wife as we were watching episode 2 last night “there’s no way this building is real, right?  It must be CGI or something making this space look so vast.”  Incredible!  Those shots of the lobby are just wow.

Strong agree. And as Stephen points out, the cast is PHENOMENAL. Arquette in episode 1 is brilliant. Tillman is equally fantastic in episode 2. Britt Lower is a stand out in both episodes. Can’t say enough good things about this so far.

This show is more straight up sci fi with a sprinkling of dark comedy, in my opinion

I’d throw the first season of The Morning Show in there as well.  Very good

I’m going to miss you.  Concur with others ... you did great work here.  Best of luck going forward.

Also, no criticism is complete without mentioning that this was shot in Bulgaria and IT LOOKS LIKE IT WAS SHOT IN BULGARIA.