
Your dialog shows exactly why a trans person needs a seat at the table here.  The nuanced discussion you just laid out here just can’t happen otherwise.

That’s a cool video. Really digging it. And kudos to Keleigh Teller for being such a good sport!  

The Warrens are certainly hucksters. But here’s what bugs the shit out of me about them (and it makes me judge the movies harshly because they are portrayed as these Christian do-gooders): they are hucksters of the worst possible sort because their livelihood is taking advantage of the bereaved. People who are

My problem with the Sopranos movie, which other commenters here have said in various (and better) ways than I’m about to, is that it’s completely all over the place. If I dared you to describe the plot in three sentences, you couldn’t.

That is an incredible streak of movies, for sure.  And I have vivid memories of seeing most of those.  Including seeing Poltergeist at a drive-in and hiding in the bed of my dad’s pickup truck and crying during the clown scene (I was 8).  I think I also cried during the Kahn ear scene.  Oh and the pale ET scene.  I

Anecdotally speaking, my experience is nothing like what you’re saying here. My current tankless is 8 years old and I’ve had it maintained exactly one time (I have a water softener, so I’m not getting that scaly buildup), and I’ve never once had to have it serviced.

Perhaps your water heater was broken?  Because I’ve owned two homes now with tankless heaters and this sine wave thing is ... not a thing

Everything you’ve said here is spot on.  

My favorite line of the episode. 

I’m with Roman on this ... definitely Montgomery Clift

This show is masterful at exposing those who are outsiders to this wildly rich lifestyle. Greg thinking he has to finish his drink before he leaves the office, lest it go to waste, is so subtle and so perfect.

Maybe, juuuust maybe, Pablo Larraín is a tad overrated? This comes on the heels of Lisey’s Story, which was godawful.  

he learned it from Chet Haze.  come on, keep up!

I second your comments re. Strong tonight.  I thought the limo scene was SO deftly performed.  He wants to be the guy who is so self-aware that he can take the criticism, but those bad tweets cut deep.  And Strong’s oh-so-subtle shift in his facial expression captured it perfectly.  Didn’t even need to say anything.

I think you’re both right.  Strong and Culkin are absolutely KILLING it this season.  

I’m not dumb and I’m not trying to “figure it out,” but I can tell you my wife and I were genuinely confused.  I’ll take your word for it and it certainly tracks that it was Kendall, but I don’t think it was clear.

How is everyone so certain it was Kendall’s office?

i love everything you’re doing here

Really looking forward to this.  LOVED the book, and I felt like the author built a world that would be really interesting to explore in greater detail.  Felt like she barely scratched the surface.  Hopefully this will expand on her great work.

hahaha YES that got the biggest laugh out of me as well