
i was hoping the moon was gonna fall just because it was tired or something

it’s exhausting, isn’t it?

I watch everything with captions, including this show, and HBO spells it “Shiv.”

“I’m mad because this critic didn’t love what I think I’ll love when I eventually watch it.”

you people are fucking EXHAUSTING.  It’s a joke.  jeeesus christ

Leave me alone about my teeth, mom!

I think that weird pilot was from 2015, not 2007.  Also, it’s SO WEIRD!  

You are SO right. I was then (and am now) a huge horror fan. Most people don’t remember what a game changer this was at the time. To put it in perspective, the biggest horror movie in 1995 was Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers. Just another shitty (extra shitty) retread of the same crap. Then this comes along

Fuck yeah.  God this album was so WEIRD in 1996.  I confess to not “getting it.”  But revisiting it from time to time, it just gets better and better.

Yeah this article is ... weird?  I mean, presumably he read the script before he showed up to start filming?  Or ... no?

we are samesies, my friend. SAMESIES

Yep.  I straight up dislike Rushmore.  And Darjeeling is top 3 for me

Maybe I’m late to this party, but why would there have been a need to have live rounds on the set at all? I’ve read several articles on this incident and none address that point.

Your analysis of the original SPM reflects my feelings as well. I love that Rita Mae Brown took the helm to attempt to do something different. It is so cool, particularly in the early 80s, that someone was willing to fund a “feminist subversion of the slasher.” And that it was someone with the credibility of Rita Mae

This is SPOT ON. Trolls go away when no one feeds them. So imagine a platform in which there are no “libz” to even to react to the nonsense?! They need that juice!

UGH I HATED this movie. I loved, loved, loved The Sopranos. But wow was this disappointing. I dare anyone to try to summarize the “plot” of this shit show in 3 sentences. You can’t. Because it was utterly aimless nonsense.

She is perfect. And there is something so old-timey Hollywood about her approach to the role that fits exactly right.

Same. Huge Mel Brooks fan. Spaceballs came out when I was 13 years old. Presumably I was the prime viewing audience. I hated it, even though most of my friends revered it. I didn’t think it was funny. I’ve tried revisiting it a number of times since then, and came away feeling the same.  There are a few funny scenes,

hahaha I’m reading it on my Kindle and it shows me my percentage complete.  Each time I’d slog through a page I’d look down to see if the number went up.

How did you (and others) see it already?