
Last year I made it through 78% of Gravity’s Rainbow before it defeated me. My best effort so far.

Spot on. About a quarter of the way through the movie, as I was fighting off full-on hyperventilation, I couldn’t help but think “why does this movie need monsters at all?” But then the monsters came and I wanted my mom.

Freddy was legit terrifying in Part 1.

I’m confused by the headline - specifically the “wildly delicious” part - which would suggest you’ve taste tested these flavors. But then in the slideshow you either don’t comment on taste (because presumably you haven’t tasted the flavor?) or acknowledge that you haven’t tasted it. I’m confused, I guess?

I missed the part where Stephen said that.  Oh that’s because he didn’t

By the way, your love of The Jaunt means that I need to read all of your recommendations here. So thank you!

The Jaunt!  JFC that is some troubling shit.  “It’s longer than you think, Dad!  It’s longer than you think!”

And The Road, while not necessarily “scary,” is SO FUCKING RELENTLESSLY BLEAK. Man that’s a tough read. I loved it, but never again. UGH

This all day. My problem with the book is that, early on, it reads as straight satire. And it’s good. I can get behind it. I see what you’re doing here, Bret. But as it moves forward, and the relentless violence against women becomes more and more detailed and, frankly, ENDLESS, I assume anyone who isn’t a whacko

This is true too, but he was definitely off. Some weird wrong answers, particularly to Final Jeopardy. He guessed Poland for the country annexed by Nazi Germany and then divided into 4 pieces. But the clue contained (fairly obvious) hints including that both the Alps and the Danube River run through this country ...

Agreed. And his wrong answer to a relatively easy Final Jeopardy question was surprising in its wrongness.  Very un-Amodio like.


Same here BUT we were in the minority, I think. Most of my “metal friends” dismissed it, I think because it began to attract a whole new audience. My view has always been: it’s not what they were doing before, but it’s pretty fucking great.

I’m an old Gen Xer and I really liked Moore’s Bond ... but also thought he was too jokey. That said, I could never embrace Connery ... those movies always felt too early 60s old-fashiony to me. I genuinely loved the Brosnan era.

I’m an Old and a big fan of the franchise ... and Brosnan is my favorite Bond. Someone else said it better than me in these comments - he has it all ... the best traits of all of his predecessors rolled into one. I’ve read several of the original books and Brosnan just feels like what Fleming had in mind. And Goldeneye

Do you even Bond, bro?

If you were lucky the center of the sandwich was kinda soft.  But the crust?  No amount of liquid could soften those edges.

Fiestada was the fucking king

YES the hexagon-shaped vaguely mexicanish pizza!  At my high school in FL they called them “fiestadas.”  They were gross but also great?

donuts or animal hands?