
Strong agree with everything you’ve said here.  Genuinely love The Orville.

I don’t know, Guy. The dude looks so fucking ridiculous in that still above, with Julianne Moore, that I’m certain I don’t need to see one, single second of this movie to know that I will be distracted by the fact that he’s supposed to be 17.

I think the distinction typically drawn is that Chainsaw effectively plays out like a haunted house movie, whereas the classic “slasher” movie contemplates a murderous stalker in the Jack the Ripper vein.

I remember this prediction in these comments.  kudos!

Pimento’s lines (and, of course, Mantzoukas’ delivery of said lines) had me howling. It was the perfect dénouement. The twist that he had to not simply defeat the wolves but actually become the alpha? Fucking amazing.

Thankfully the show runners figured out early on, probably in the middle of Season 1, that Samberg worked best as a straight man.  This was bold as hell, because SURELY network brass viewed this as an “Andy Samberg sitcom.”  But that decision proved to be critical to the show’s success.  Samberg was near-perfect as a

Great list. I would probably include Elm Street as well, but you can’t go wrong with any of these if you’re interested in the genre. Another one that I would rank very high in my favorites: High Tension. It has its flaws, for sure, but if you can get past the one major flaw ... well then it’s darn near perfect.

That’s addressed in the opening slide. Author drew the line at Halloween, but recognized that Chainsaw and others are arguably slashers.

I thought they were going there with the Dubai Air thing ... presumably alienating your largest sponsor would create some major financial issues. But that (at least for now) seems to have been abandoned. Maybe that storyline will come back.

Preach. This is precisely what I’ve been saying as well. The first season worked because there was a central conflict and a legit (and ultimately conflicted) villain. Ted’s kindness, and the way it rubbed off on the people in his orbit, was so lovely because he was using his kindness to work through genuine conflict.

I CAME HERE TO SAY THIS!  My very first thought.

I want to post a video of myself on endless loop saying “Trump Lost.”  Maybe we can share a “channel”

“And for an extra $50 Qux will throw in a few VPOs and VPRs too.  They make owning the libs super easy.”

Strong agree. It’s mostly boring, and the mediocre acting of the boy really drags it down (particularly as he ages).

The book jokes are legendary

She’s got an old Hollywood quality to her that is SO compelling.  And she vibes so well with these comic legends.  


Hard agree.  The dudebro thing was certainly despicable (like most things incel related), but it being the excuse for this movie’s failure is ignoring the obvious: the movie itself was terrible.

you’re a real joy

Let me remind you: you called it a “fucking travesty” that “ruined your childhood.” That’s pretty, pretty dramatic, no? You say “opinion” (well, “OPINION”) but is it really an opinion? Or is it rather a (very thinly) veiled statement of contempt toward anyone who dare like this album? It’s these really melodramatic,