
spot on

St. Vincent’s cover of Sad But True is my favorite track on this album by miles and miles.

“i did grow up with metallica - master of puppets is a flawless album, IMO - but i honestly don’t get how people are still stuck on metallica ‘selling out’ with the black album.”

yes and yes

I love this.  Well said.

He used to dine at Commander’s Palace in NOLA on the regular. I was fortunate to be seated at a table next to him for Sunday brunch. He was so kind to everyone: my table of friends, other tables around him, the manager, the staff.

Shockingly good. I have zero interest in, and less than zero knowledge of, manga/anime.  I was stuck on a long flight and recalled a friend telling me it was worth a watch.  I was blown away!

I came close to not even bothering with The Sopranos. The initial promotion made it seem like a knock-off of Analyze This. I’ve seldom been so happy to admit I was so wrong.”

I read the question and immediately thought oh, that’s easy for me: Gilmore Girls and Schitt’s Creek. And here we are!

We are probably of similar age because this was almost exactly my interaction with these films as well.  Saw the second one first, rented the first one with some friends, proceeded to be utterly baffled.  There wasn’t an internet in those days to tell you what was what, so it was so weirdly disorienting to see the

Spot ON.  This is it, right?  If I saw this on SNL I’d think ... nah.  Too over the top.

can we be best friends?  or lovers?  (or both?)

I generally agree with you, with one caveat: I strongly agree with Alex that effectively gutting the show of any conflict has the effect, at times, of turning all of its kindness and empathy into sop. Season 1 was strong because the kindness and empathy carrying Ted and others through the conflict made those themes

Well said. And they tend to randomly pick and choose, too. I have a cousin who maintains that people aren’t actually dying of Covid, these are just old and sick people that would have died anyway. In the meantime, there was a story yesterday about how many people are dying of illnesses as a consequence of their

And the kicker, of course, is that he’s taking the monoclonal antibodies which had he just, ya know, taken the vaccine, he already would’ve had in his body.

Knocked on my ass is exactly how I described how I felt after my second dose of Moderna. Hoo boy. In the height of it, as I was burning up with fever and feeling like death, I was definitely thinking ... maybe getting covid itself ain’t so bad .... But then 18 hours later I was perfectly fine (and also not on a

This is likely because you already had the J&J.  Your first dose of Pfizer was like everyone else’s second dose (or even second dose +, because J&J is one dose).  Friends I know who had Covid and then got vaxxed had the worst side effects after their first dose also.

I hoped there was a good album in here that could be trimmed out, but there just isn’t. I’m with you Nina: I think “Jonah” is my favorite track (with a killer chorus), followed by “Jesus Lord” (that Jay Electronica verse is fantastic) and “Jail” (although Jay Z’s verse is pretty blah).  Beyond that, I would include

I hear you but I think you’re wrong on this.  I am an avid Jeopardy viewer.  I was rooting for the guy.  He stunk up the joint.  He just wasn’t good.  

He ticks all of the boxes except, ya know, actually being good at the job.