
Where are all these haters coming from? I’m surprised. Hacks was so, so good. I genuinely loved the hell out of it.

You do you, I guess.  But I watched the entire season and loved every second of it and had no idea that she was a child of famous parents until well after the fact.  She’s awesome.

oh man that made me feel good.  awesome

That Good Girls track above isn’t giving you the same vibe? Sounds like the same big pop bullshit all over again. Chorus: “Good girls, don’t cry and good girls don’t lie and good girls justify and good girls satisfy and ... “

You and me, Kicking, same page.  Buzzy was the top for me.  Robin Roberts and David Faber immediately behind him.

Excellent piece, Caroline. Your comparison to the exaggerated aesthetic of the Beach movies is spot on. Those movies were of my parents’ generation, and I always thought they were supposed to be some earnest portrayal of the bubble-gummy 60s teen. I watched Beach Party recently, and MAN was I way off. It’s SO weirdly

With you on the Heaven’s Gate doc. For an event that is endlessly fascinating and tragic, the doc is inexplicably dull.

I gave up after about 4 episodes because ... well, “occasionally plodding” really hits it on the head. Hoo boy.

it has to be a “masterwork” plus?

You’ve said it. This album’s kiss of death is that it is fucking BORING. It’s one thing to try something different and fail. At least we can say “well, this sounds like shit but hell she tried!” This is the worst kind of bad. So bland I can barely muster the effort to type these

ah, you know, I think you’re right - was Pimento and not Terry

I THINK that the Terry/ledges thing was also a callback, right?  Wasn’t there an episode where Boyle was out on a ledge and Jake went out the help him, only to become paralyzed with fear and in need of Terry’s help?  And didn’t that lead to a “Terry hates ledges” statement?  Maybe I’m wrong about the details but it

Cheddar’s no common bitch. He’d find his own way out.”

I generally agree with you, although they have handled some real issues in the past rather well. But here I was disappointed with the utter lack of nuance, particularly with regard to Rosa. The plotline they dropped on us completely out of nowhere is “Rosa has all of a sudden quit the force because ... she can’t

It won’t even get that far.  This will surely be dismissed.  It’s mental gymnastics.  Utter nonsense.

I didn’t click on this link but I assume people?

jesus christ you’re sucking the life out of this show. You’re consumed with the details and, in turn, COMPLETELY missing the point.  NoOnesPost told you exactly what’s going on here.  Spelled it out for you concisely.  Yet here we are.

heeere we go!

“The Crown has once again given Prince Charles a lot of credit when it comes to his looks, ....”

I’m really into the singles I’ve heard so far. Pretty excited about this. One could argue that this isn’t SO far removed from Ordinary Corrupt. Feels like a natural progression.