
Guys ... I love LeVar Burton just like the next person ... but let’s not make excuses.  He was terrible.  

I lived in Colorado as a kid in the late 70s/early 80s and this place was the place of dreams. I don’t recall which location we visited (I wasn’t even aware it was a chain) but damn if this wasn’t the most fun a 7-10 year old kid could ask for. Don’t remember the food, except for (i) the cafeteria-style entrance; and

Fantastic analogy.  You need more stars.

This is spot on. It’s a complete waste of time debating these fuckers because fantasy begets fantasy begets fantasy. When you can make shit up out of whole cloth, you can never lose an argument. “No proof, you say? Well what about the vote counting machine they found in the bottom of the ocean in Wisconsin with 7

99!!  So pumped

How does it work that they are both in it?  I’m confused.  

I was Team Buzzy all the way until I saw Faber.  Strong agree.  

Great.  I just watched the trailer and teared up. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!

Ironically I think they actually film most of the exteriors in Brockton.

It’s beyond that. The party literally founded on the pro-capitalist idea that government should be hands-off when it comes to business is somehow ok with dictating to businesses which customers they MUST serve. This is fundamentally contrary to the party’s ideological center.  That these dumbfuks don’t see the

I think Dr. Oz is a shitty person, but he was a MUCH better guest host than Burton. By a mile.  I’d put Burton solidly at the bottom, along with Katie Couric.

David Faber is so excellent. A natural. It feels like he’s always been there.  I’m disappointed the producers couldn’t wait a beat before making the final decision.

Because all of those other things you mention don’t routinely put people in the hospital with severe illness? Seriously, how fucking dense are you?

Bamboo is the fucking worst.  Grows dangerously tall and creates an endless mess.

“Ah ... I see Little Cheddar is askew.”

I haven’t watched in several years, but man I’m glad to see everyone is still filthy all the time!  

Strong agree. The absolute best music device for distance runners.

I think that’s right, and I’d add that the cliffhanger for season 2 will be a reveal of the identity of the person Nick called from the restaurant. This someone will want their pound of flesh for Nick’s death, and will know that Allison ordered the hit.

Just came down here to say that Joy Formidable track is fantastic.  Looking forward to the album.

Agreed. This show is good with continuity.