
Yep I was just saying this above.  Listening to Hayes on 60 Minutes, it sounds to me like Prince did intend to eventually release this album.

I think that, at least with THIS particular release, the explanation isn’t so simple. The 60 Minutes piece on Sunday was enlightening in that respect. His bandmate Morris Hayes produced this album with him and they had effectively finished it. It was done and ready to go. And then Prince set it aside. When Hayes asked

This show was ... not good. Just a bunch of nonsensical gobbledy-gook. There were so many rules about this stupid fantasy world that were (i) barely explained and/or (ii) not adhered to in any event. Doubles? Faucets? Swimming pools? Good Ma? Bools? Sissy Baby Bunny or whatever the fuck?  And all of this dumb hunt led

As for being non-controversial, have a look at the comment section of the WSJ article announcing the name change. The big babies are out in full force.  It’s like they all got their pacifiers stolen

I see you haven’t met “Andrew” yet.  They will be by soon, I’m sure, to tell you why you aren’t allowed to like TLJ.  It’s a whole thing.

I’m delighted you were able to come full circle with this.

I’m glad you at least got something out of it because I still don’t know what the fuck he’s going on about

I’m just busting your chops.  Your list is unimpeachable in any event.  But check out Built to Spill (the real “BTS”!).  Doug is definitely in my top 10 of favorite guitar players.

I mean your list is fine and all but not including Doug Martsch is unacceptable

My only regret is that I have one, lonely star to award you.

I had the same thought ... there was something potentially telling in that line.  I like where your head’s at.

Take a line from Kevin like, “I demand loyalty, our marriage demands it.” Spoken in a sitcom world from a man-child character that we’ve been trained to excuse and laugh at for decades...they come across as rather benign. If Kevin spoke those same words in Allison’s real world, sans laugh track...they would sound

Yeah I had to stop mid-read and do some research to refresh my recollection as to who Patrick Stewart played, and why his performance or the character (or the fact that he played the character) was somehow “infamous.” Turns out my memory wasn’t betraying me and there wasn’t anything “infamous” at all. So ... huh?

I read the headline as needing to keep an empty bottle of vegetable oil “Under Your Skin” and I was like ooh tell me more, Claire!

My guess is the show will do something with Nick and Pete.”

Hi Saloni - did I miss something?  Did we actually see (or hear) that the hook-up “implodes” Sam’s marriage?  I think I missed something.

Strong agree.  I’d give it a solid B.  Really enjoyed it.

Can we also talk about St. Vincent’s cover of “Sad But True” on the upcoming Black Album covers project?!  Fucking bad ass

“Secondly they should have actually considered what the New Republic was and actually done something with the fact that the tables were being turned on them and that they were now the ones under assault by rebels of sorts instead of just re-creating the “empire vs rebellion” sides in all but name.”

Olivia Rodrigo album is a goddam pop masterclass. Here are some of my other faves so far this year, if anyone cares: