
It’s not clear to me, yet, how you’re feeling re. this episode.  How would you gauge your temp?

If someone asked me “what are you listening to?” and the answer was Kississippi, I would be embarrassed to say “Kississippi.” So I’m just going to avoid her music altogether so as to avoid that potentially awkward situation. Look, I’m sure it’s great!

This is definitely going to cause some confusion! Here is, for example, the state of affairs in Florida: the state government never issued a mask mandate, but for several months allowed county governments and municipalities to do so. Following local mandates, many local businesses then adopted private mask policies.

Agreed. There’s no fucking nuance anymore. He has a lot of great things to say. He says some shitty things too. And that’s ok. Because we all don’t have to agree with everything everyone says, do we?  Don’t most people have varying viewpoints on a variety of issues?

Same. For me it’s can’t miss television. He consistently has great guests and, to your point, the idea that he’s giving gross people a bullhorn is WAY overblown and exceedingly rareI frankly like some of what he has to say, and I like that most of his guests don’t hesitate to push back on his bullshit.

I don’t know from mouth pain, but have you ever noticed that if you eat a pineapple and then soon after eat an almond, the almond tastes like garbage?  Like literal garbage?

Coming to this late, but there was a good article in The Economist last week that addressed this point. The theory among scientists is that the current situation is primarily the consequence of a much, much more contagious variant (the “double mutant” variant) raging through the country. Lots of Indians live with

Yeah I feel the same. I saw the “overstuffed” headline before I watched the episode and was pleasantly surprised. Good stuff. Good momentum. The Siobhan stuff is definitely extraneous, but it doesn’t take up so much of the show’s run time to really be a distraction.

I suppose we can’t necessarily trust what they are showing us, but from the brief glimpses of the bad guy he looks like a younger guy with a clean-shaven face. In other words, not Guy Pearce or the beard guy.

“That was perfect but you forgot to say ‘wife.’ Let’s try it again.”

Nor does the video.  It’s just fucking nauseating.  What an idiot.

I don’t entirely agree with you on all your points; I do like the show quite a bit and I think the main plot thread is written fairly well. That said, I strongly agree there is a bit too much plot here. Like this subplot with daughter and the radio DJ? I mean ... why? It plainly has no connection to the main plot. At

It’s curious that everyone seems to have read that scene differently. Here’s my take (and it’s not entirely dissimilar to EricMontreal’s analysis): Zabel is a young detective who happened to solve a big case by working the case (and himself) to death. He watches Mare at work and he feels unworthy of the praise he

Strong agree. Fredric Forrest is a weird, weird choice.

Damn that SUCKS!

“Into the Storm” is rocking my f’ing face off. Great blast beats coupled with a grandiose, almost operatic chorus. Plug that into my veins, please.

Two other releases this week that are worth a mention:

Manchester Orchestra, if you don’t know, is (in my opinion, at least) a FAR better live band than studio band.  I’m always meh on their records, and don’t go out of my way to listen.  But live?  Forget about it.  They will blow you out of the water.  If you can see them in their hometown of ATL, even better.  The

I love that Brian references his line from The Chair Model as one of his favorites. It’s one of mine too. A perfect example of the heart of the show. That line ONLY works because of what Brian and the showrunners had created with his character. And it works SO WELL. You really feel it.

I hate to admit this because Oz is gross, but I have to agree with you. I didn’t like Ken. I thought Oz was better.