
Move my mattress to the floor?! What am I, a hobo?

THIS ALL DAY!  It’s just a reminder card!

Birth of a Nation? No, Mission Impossible? No, wait, C.H.U.D.?

I’ve been making this same complaint as well. I also grew up in a small town (in New England) and generations of my family are from there (and some still there). But that doesn’t mean my mother knows everyone when she walks into a grocery store. It’s silly.

It was also an era where these guys made shit and weren’t training in any regular manner. As a consequence, these natural athletes like Radbourn were able to to dominate. He’s pitching against lineups consisting of maybe a couple of naturally-gifted guys and then a bunch of mooks.

bye stupid

I just asked all of my friends to come here and bathe you in stars.

i also saw them in Atlanta!

Your two posts capture my feelings exactly.  It’s not awful.  In fact it’s mostly quite enjoyable.  Some stuff works.  Other stuff doesn’t.  It’s indulgent, but sometimes the indulgence pays off.  It’s just kinda ... in the middle.  And I think that’s what drives the uber-fans crazy.  There’s this contingent that

This is timely - did a 10 mile run last weekend and was struggling to find a decent sweat resistant brand. I used one of my wife’s, which claimed to be sweat resistant. BUT (and Beth, for sweat-monsters like me you missed this in your article), while it may have been sweat resistant it burned like a motherf**er in my

Pools historically return a lot more for your investment in FL. The problem now, though, is that the demand to build pools is through the roof and prices reflect that. In other words, if you can add a pool for $30k-$40k ... which for a long time was about right ... you can get a solid return. But if the pool companies

Are you confusing your cremation chamber with your convection oven again, Ann?

Knowing that your payment date is on the 10th, you might decide to pay off my full balance on a card with $1,500 credit limit, because you have the funds to do so.

I was crying when, as Eric is dangling from the roof, one lady says to a guy something to the effect of “get under there ... you have to do something ... try to catch him!” The guy’s immediate reaction is to, in fact, attempt to run under him before he realizes how crazy that is, and then he says incredulously, “I

being a near-native of that side of the state, the trailer does a nice job of capturing the humid grunginess of the real tampa bay

This is exactly where I land with trail running as well.  I’m a road runner.  A very active road runner.  Like routinely 75-100 miles per month.  I love running, and I love running on new roads and seeing new sights from that perspective.  Trail running sounds fantastic ... would love nothing more than to run through

Over 100 comments and no one has mentioned the AMAZING amount of terrible old man make up happening up there?!

Agreed.  The tone didn’t feel quite right. 

Yep.  Right there with you

well this is certainly ambitious ...