
Great article.  Eastern Kentucky (and John Prine disciples) are killing it recently.  Is there anyone better than Tyler Childers out there right now?  Noe’s approach is a bit different, but equally terrific.

Umm... breaking the chains of slaves is unambiguously benevolent.  Is this even a debate?

can you please go home and check, like now?  i don’t like waiting.

Preach. I love the “you weren’t paying close enough attention” crowd. Fuck off. This show isn’t some complicated puzzle that only the chosen few can “get.” We were, in fact, paying attention when the show taught us, for 7 seasons, that Dany was worth rooting for because, while ruthless, her ruthlessness was to serve

I mention the fact that people named their daughters after her to highlight how she was universally viewed as the protagonist. I don’t disagree with you that you could describe her actions over the years as “ruthless,” but what we saw in this episode was sadism and madness, not ruthlessness. In the past, her

Dany was ruthless and unforgiving when it came to her mission to free the world from tyrants, but she was NEVER presented as “sadistic” until ... hmmm let me see ... oh, right, Season 8, Episode 5.  

I love all of these smarty pants in the comments. “Oh, this show is just too smart for you to get, I guess. You must be a dummy!  I’m so smart because I saw this coming!  Look at smart me!

Hold on ... do you think Westeros is real? You do, don’t you?!

Spot on. It’s a disservice to the character the writers and Emilia Clarke so carefully crafted and brought to life. Now she’s just a paper thin tyrant. Why? Because ... twist!

I call bullshit on that. You can rewrite the history of this show all you want, but there wasn’t “a whole lot of justification” presented by this show, unless you are talking about the last 3 episodes when it was ungracefully shoehorned in.

Seriously, how are so many people not understanding this?” 

The fact that Daenerys Targaryen committed these acts does not betray the arc of her character....

This all day, HGH. And you know where you get the best deals (I’m sure you know)? On those same vehicles everyone was hot to trot about leasing 2-3 years ago. Want a luxury car? Go to a your preferred luxury dealership in December/January, when turn-ins are rolling in.  They get priced to move, because the dealership

Fuck yes. This. And let’s stop pretending he was “charismatic.” While that MIGHT have been the spin by the local news when he finally got nabbed in FL, this dude was, by all accounts, a fucking weirdo creep. He didn’t “charm” his way into that sorority house at FSU. He broke in, in the middle of the night, and beat

The masturbation episode is pure genius. And damn funny.

This is my favorite show [hard stop] of 2019. Not “my favorite Hulu show” or “my favorite new show” or even “my favorite comedy.” My favorite show. Period. To echo mizchanandlerbong, I freakin’ love these two.

Great list!  It’s so nice to see people revisiting lagers and basic brown ales.  I love me some IPAs and such, but they are just too much sometimes.  And you are spot on regarding Boston Lager.  Truly the shining star of just about every airport bar!

I would say it’s nearly a push.  Marginally better.

You would think this, but there are exceptions. I ran out of milk over the weekend so I used a seemingly acceptable mixture of half & half and water. Ummm... Hard no. I was eating Trader Joe’s bran flakes with some cut up bananas. And despite LOOKING like milk, it was just ... NO. It was not right. Filmy. Watery. Ugh

My issue with the first one was its relentless pace. Typically you want that in a movie. But it was so relentless it ended up being TOO MUCH. A horror movie needs to have some moments of quiet dread to make the relentless, in your face stuff actually scary. Just never happened here.  You gotta earn it!