Isaiah Bradley

I've considered holding onto it for a Japanese account to play PSO2.

Thanks. Maybe I'll spring for the Borderlands bundle and trade my Vita-1000 in.

I too keep my phone in my left pocket. My keys go in my right pocket, and I'm right handed.

What kind of miniature wallet are you carrying, sir?


How is the screen? Everyone hims and haws about the OLED, but I like the increased battery life, matte finish, and smart Micro USB port.

I will buy if the battery life is much improved.

I think it's crazy people are projecting him as a 3rd or 4th rounder.

Alright I'll be the one who says it: it wasn't even that good anyway.

Man, lots of empty seats.

Right? Sheesh!

Way behind on Zach King, Kotaku.

Watching the success video...imagine what these things could do to human flesh.


Was it actually water or was it supposed to be sweat?

People don't buy games on Steam sales to play them. They buy them to collect them.

Seems like a bit of a stretch.

Hey guy. Dinosaurs.

And yet there are players like LP Ladouceur of the Dallas Cowboys who make nearly $1M annually to long snap when there are countless guys who could easily long-snap the ball "close enough" for less, and they're still employed.

"Oh God!" The Video