Isaiah Bradley

I’m disappointed that they missed a good opportunity for a co-op game (even if single player).

Well, they might finally sell a Wii U to me next year. This game looks excellent. I won't be using the motion controls for looking, however, if it's an option. It looks clunky.

As a guy, and an enormous Terry Crews fan, he just sold a copy of his book. This dude is the shit.

Sounds awesome. If I ever put Destiny down I'll try it.

same. More of a symptom of shitty Internet connections IMO.

I'm a practicing attorney and I play it for at least 3 hours a night.

I'm super interested in this game. It's getting rave reviews and seems like something different, but I just can't find a good description for it, even in reviews.

Well yeah, considering the Hive have their base on the moon it makes sense. But, this is the internet. Everything is going to be overanalyzed into a fine mist.

I'm hoping that Activision as the corporate entity is patient enough and steadfast enough to actually continue to allow Bungie to develop this game on the foundation they've built over time. If this game were able to become even 25% of what WOW has become over a decade, it'll be outstanding in a few years.

I've seen quite the opposite. Tons of love in the real world and the vocal minority complaining on the internet, which is generally the way of most things that are popular.

I can totally agree with this. Lord Shaxx is easily the best narrated character in the entire game.

And nobody complained. I just don't get the attempted politicization of video games. Don't like it? Don't buy it.

It's okay - just buy another. I have three 3DS's, haha. Zelda OOT OG, Fire Emblem OG, and Zelda XL.

Holy smokes, that's amazing.

I can't even adequately express what I want to say to this. I've typed four responses and deleted them.

It's the perfect play - he knows the name has to change. Like the article says, what better way to usher in a new era of Washington football than a fancy new stadium (with new naming rights) and increased ticket prices and concession prices?

So nowhere in that little end-of-letter "here's how you get help" did Goodell at all mention law enforcement?

About as well as trying to wrestle a greased pig, lol!

Absolutely. It was a bush league play and this shit needs to stop in baseball. I'm so sick of all of these "unwritten rules."

Agreed completely. Big time.