Isaiah Bradley

All that time and still no citation? Come on, man! I've been waiting a while!

Have a feeling this one is appropriate.

"and for the most part never receive any direct return on that investment."

The "same makeup" is not a legal standard, my friend. Try again.

An honest mistake ;) I'm a little bit of a legal eagle so I tend to get wrapped up in the usage and context of specific words.

Yeah I've heard of that document. Remind me which Article, Section, and Clause provides for overthrow?

I could be absolutely wrong, though, judging by his other responses. Jesus.

Dude has a vocal cadence sorta like Denzel Washington.

Really, really drunk. That ESPN thing on him was so sad.

I think you didn't see what he was doing there.

It doesn't matter. Hopefully one day, it won't be a matter of "coming out" anymore and everyone can just live their lives.

Just because one pays taxes doesn't mean that he or she automatically becomes a shareholder in the holdings of a private corporation.

Paying taxes is not the same thing as being a shareholder in a private corporation's holdings, regardless of the fact that the government is the final bidder/bonafide purchaser.

That's not entirely true. It's also not ripe. It has to actually pass through federal appeals courts first to be considered for ripeness or mootness (of which it is now moot). The Supreme Court doesn't have the jurisdiction to just reach down into the dockets of lower courts and say "yep, we're gonna hear this one

A lot of times, like someone else said, companies will pay a filmmaker or other creative institution for product placement.

lol 10/10, would read again.

All I use is Amazon. If you do it right, you should never pay $59.99 for a new game.

Everyone should do the right thing and not buy this. Complete sketch move by GameStop.

Once that pain-train of bad PR started, it wasn't going to stop (and might still not stop).

Television, television, television, TV experience. Anybody? TV.