Isaiah Bradley

For Zeus' sakes...it's Fox.

"Sexy Sadie" is certainly sexy. Dat ass during dat run.

Exactly. 7/10 is not a bad game, but in today's era of "COD or GTFO" Deadpool is 0/10, sharp knees, would not bang.

1. Unfortunately, saying "lol jk" after making a threat doesn't negate the threat. Nor are threats protected speech under the First Amendment.

Because, again, this economy is entirely different from 2001. Similarly combined with the other things I listed. But lets go back:

dat gaming journalism...

This game is pretty good, actually, all things considered.

I had a boss who thought he was the smartest guy in the room (just ask him) when he clearly wasn't. He was a huge dick.

If my CEO came out like that at a meeting/conference I'd be fired the fuck up.

Maybe they've stopped doing it? Whenever I went at Fort Benning the anthem played before the movie.


Hey, only if you're a conservative! :D

Also, off the top of my head, I think there was a hockey game on NES that played a pretty awesome 8-bit rendition of the anthem during the opening. It might've been a SNES game, too.

Domestically, it's simply being overused in a tacky way. It's reducing the song to the level of Boston's More Than a Feeling, the kind of ballad that needs years between performances to come anywhere close to exciting or memorable in an unironic way.

I'm in the Army - if you go to see a movie at the theater on base, they play the national anthem before.

Kind of wish it was going to see a PSN/Vita release, but I'll happily back it. I was a gigantic Syndicate fan as a kid...used to ride my bike down to my friend's house who had a couple of Macs in the basement loaded with games. We'd play Syndicate and the expansion pack until 1 or 2 AM.


Pretty sure it was at least $249, maybe $299 at launch. I don't remember it being $199.

>thinks an advertisement for a PC capable of running MS-DOS 3.3 is a Mac

For one, the economy is in a much different place now than in 2001.