
Yeah, it’s great. But far to many are keeping quiet hoping to get...something...anything...on the conservative agenda passed. I’m looking at you Mitch McConnell! How often will you let that Fucking Moron (their words, not mine) insult you and still come back begging for more?

Holy Fuck that might be the most brilliant thing I have ever heard.

I’ll do you one better, the overhead bins should lock upon landing and only be opened once everyone without overhead luggage has disembarked. I’ve got to sit and wait on the plane an extra 10 minutes while Drew and the rest of the mouth breathers pulls down 3 overstuffed carry-on bags each? That’s bullshit.

Don’t bully, unless an uppity war widow starts calling you out on lies

He’s Richard Gere in “Pretty Woman.” He buys things not because he likes them, but because other people tell him they are “the best.”

“I’ve lived in a lot of countries where conspiracy theories abound because people feel like they lack self-determination,” a recently retired Foreign Service officer told reporter Jason Zengerle. “And a great many people inside State are now hypothesizing about what the goal of all this is. Why are they firing people

I was thinking all of this as i watched. I hate being a bummer, because i love scary stuff, but this is all easily explained.

I thought the same. Also:

If this is real, it’s footage from the most oddly-placed security camera in history. Who puts a security camera at eye level several inches out from a corridor wall?

I have a hard-cover graphic novel version of The Last Unicorn that I have read with my kids. Lots of words but the art is stunning.

Wasn’t this an ad theme maybe six years ago?

And now she tells me she “regrets” her vote, and I can’t dredge up any sympathy for her.

Huh? Most of them are the ones who’ll end up being priced out. Most of them only have healthcare because of the subsidies.

I’m in the same boat. And I’m old enough to remember what it was like before Obamacare. When I graduated college me and all my friends lost our insurance. Back then you couldn’t stay on your parents’ and none of us could afford our own insurance. Either we didn’t make enough money at our service industry jobs or we

Joke’s on him. The FCC doesn’t license networks, it licenses the affiliates.

funny thing is networks don’t need or have Licensing but the affiliates do so he have suspend every one of NBC’s affiliate’s licenses. not that he has that power or authority to do that

What a fucking moron.

If monkeys evolved from Donald Trump then why are there still Donald Trumps?

And ... you just gave the poor guy another burn.

a 27-year-old guy in Vero Beach who was hospitalized with second- and third-degree burns