
It is absolutely unconscionable to me that republican voters keep voting republican, when the people you are electing will never EVER stop showing you how pathetic they think you are.

All it’s good for. Sentimental attachment to objects is so passé.

I think we may be related. I did keep my great-grandmothers China, but when a consignment shop said they had no interest in my mom’s set I took it to the farm and we used it for target practice.

Skeet or trap?

You my friend, are my hero.

In other news, some people actually listen to robocalls for more than 3 seconds.

It won’t be. The dead-eyed church bitch will tell an obvious, verifiable, insane lie and nobody in the press will call her out on it. If there is somehow a tiny amount of push back she will continue to pile on such lies until the original lie is lost in the onslaught. Rinse and repeat. Unlike her predecessors, she

I just want to go watch all the Harry Palmer movies.

Sometimes io9 has to go out of it’s way to be snarky and dismissive of Discovery. I’m confused as to why this it feels so far fetched for Michael Burnham to become a captain in a fictional universe known for forgiving law breakers that it merits an article.

Exactly. The old masters of sci fi have already explained why this is a bad idea.

They had damn well better ban autonomous weapons. They are a truly colossal bad idea.

Both if my folks are veterans. Served in the Air Force in the 80s. To them, and the attitude of most people they knew then, it was just a job that where you happen to wear a uniform. But now my regional grocery chain has “hero parking” for troops and emergency responders. Home Depot has purple heart parking.

Lower incarceration rate because the Chinese have the highest rate of capital punishment in the world. The official totals are secret. But most violent and drug criminals are executed... Even repeat offenders of minor crimes get stuffed into one of the mobile “death vans.”

Not until the idea of American exceptionalism is killed.

Well at least he didn’t do it in North Korea.

Trump denies all sorts of things doesn’t he? Does anybody believe it anymore?

When I was an intern, I was on call for Thanksgiving at the hospital. The cafeteria closed at noon on weekends and holidays, so you would put in an order and get a tray, just like a patient. Of course I ordered the turkey for my first Thanksgiving ever not cooked by my mother at age 26. The tray comes up and it has

You also forgot:

There is so much stupid I don’t even know where to start, but let’s try anyway.

So far the Trump Administration has defended: