
Oh, don’t forget the absolutely disgusting cheering and laughing from the English “fans” when he hit the tires.

This isn’t hard. Stop being contrary.

I don’t think there’s really a reason to reinvent the wheel. The Karman line sounds a bit arbitrary at an even 100km, but there are some good scientific reasons to start it there. It’s the altitude below which atmospheric gasses are well-mixed (turbopause). Beyond turbopause, it’s hard to call whatever gasses still exi

Instead, I hereby propose a simple, achievable definition of “going to space,” which is that you must orbit the Earth at least once while you’re up there, something that Branson did not do.

With the exception of the last year, the crime rate as been steadily decreasing over the last 30 years.

Found the racist bootlick.

The big miss here is the batteries. I’m willing to cut them some slack for the 0-60 and quarter mile times because as much as Elon’s nonsense annoys me, it’s splitting some pretty small hairs when in reality the car accelerates fast as hell.

Waaay back in the summer of 1968 as a 13 year old I watched the USA television screening of The Prisoner (filmed in Portmerion, Wales in 1966 starring Patrick McGoohan) and fell in love with the Lotus 7, and subsequently with the Caterham clones. A Caterham is still in my “If I won the lottery” vehicle acquisition

Now playing

I’m so tired the whole hybrid, efficient racing thing. This decade is going to be the last hurrah for gas consumer vehicles. Why can we not have 1500hp turbo V12 sports car racing? I mean look what they were doing 30 years ago when they banned group c and put F1 engines in sports cars.

I’ll guess he was feeling the overall improvements (handling and aero) over the 991.2 GT3 (17 seconds around the ring) that are so substantial that it’s even faster than the last gen GT3 RS.

dumb gonna dumb... the 370z is a perfectly capable sports car right now. Even if this is a lateral performance move, which it certainly wont be, it’d still be a perfectly capable sports car. The interior is completely revamped as evidenced by the photos which makes their post a predictably dumb response for jalopnik.

Funny story, we were doing engine cylinder head testing at a supplier I worked at on a motoring rig. Something went wrong with the program, and it spun up to its maximum speed of 16,000 RPM. Considering the crankshaft/camshaft 2:1 ratio, it was an equivalent 32,000 RPM engine speed.

Damn, David, I’m not one to gush, but this is the kind of content that keeps me coming back. It’s not just a report of “Here’s something that happened” but rather it’s a dive into why it happened, complete with sweet sweet math to back it up!

I just sent this to all my sales staff. This is more comprehensive and yet easier to follow than any sales training material Stellantis has ever offered. Thank you so much!

Nope. 50/50 is the nominal torque split (which really wasn’t 50/50 since the weight distribution of a truck is not close to 50/50 and torque follows traction) but not the ability to bias torque. A locked (part-time) system can bias torque to either axle completely. The front (open diff) has NO torque biasing ability.

This is good, nay, great Jalopnik. If this means you are now part of the official staff that’s great news, since you’ve been a solid member of this community for years. Love seeing people like you and Mercedes earning opportunities.

46 percent of voters, not 46 percent of Americans. And if you watched the last four years as nearly half a million of us died due to a virus that the president did jack shit to try and protect Americans from, impeached twice, colluded with other countries to overturn fair elections, putting innoncent children in

One side literally just stormed the US capitol, erected gallows, and threatened to hang politicians. So no, I have zero desire for unity with anyone who supported that, and the fact that we still have politicians who defend it is disgusting.

It’s that last part that’s the most fascinating: the Hellcat’s days are numbered, not because consumers don’t want them, but it’ll come down to those engines being regulated out of existence.

Electric motors quietly whirring away instead of snarling V8s letting everyone what is coming down the street—that would make for a dull, dull, dull Bullitt redux chase.