
Not to be “that guy”, but hasn’t Forza had this for years? I had a Mystery Wagon-themed VW Bus that went like 195 MPH in one of the Forza Games.

God “I did my research” is such a trigger.

lots of dead deplorables “did their own research” on facebook and decided that all the scientists were wrong. unfortunately there are lots of them left that are like 3 year olds throwing tantrums cuz the government is telling them what to do.  bring it up at your next deplorable book burning.

That solution stinks and I call it out every time I see it. Granted a lot of crashes are from careless driving but not all.

Well, at least you’re not one of the nutters saying CoViD-19 was created in a lab.

I don’t agree to participate in a medical experiment in which a deadly, novel virus spreads through the population like wildfire, rather than taking simple, proven measures to slow the spread of disease, such as wearing a covering over my mouth and nose when indoors to prevent respiratory droplets from spreading

They have been calling them the Flu Trucks Klan up here.

They didn’t tell him to switch to inters, they asked him if he was interested, to which he responded No.

Ummm....Hamilton declined the first time the pit called him in and then only went in when he was told that the rain was going to get worse. McKlaren could have easily provide the same info to Norris after he said no the first time. Way too much revisionist history going on here.

I have a GTI in Chicago (and a Mazdaspeed6 before that), and the only time I can truly give that poor thing The Beans is on-ramps, and that’s not often because the highway’s not much faster anywhere in town. If 225hp FWD barely comes alive at legal speeds, I can’t imagine how frustrated a car with over double that

I’ve never understood the “BRZ/86 is too underpowered” argument. It’s too underpowered FOR ME, but it’s not too underpowered for its segment.

or we could just learn the difference between the tens of millions of cars used for commuting 5 days a week and the tens of thousands of cars used on tracks 1 day a month.

I feel like we could both hold her responsible for nearly killing other people, including her child, and get her the help she needs. They aren’t mutually exclusive, even if our current system isn’t doing a good job of it.

But punishing someone who obviously has been pushed over the edge won’t really help the situation.

I think religion -particularly xtianity is goofy storytelling -but I also feel very sorry for this woman who was obviously at the end of her tether with despair.  I hate religion but feel very sorry for this woman and what she will endure.

The religious still control the world, but question their faith and its material impact on their minds and lives, and you’re a bigot.

Whatever the root cause, faith in imaginary beings manipulating your lives isn’t a good thing. At least they have medication to treat mental illness. Religion is much trickier to deal with.

Understeering into an opponent on the outside of the corner is a loss of control and 100% that driver’s fault. Lewis went into the corner too hot, couldn’t get his car to turn into the apex, and understeered into the side of Verstappen. Verstappen had to turn into the corner at some point, couldn’t see that Lewis was

You can’t have the inside line, when your aren’t ahead or at least even. When trailing, the line belongs to the car ahead and the car behind must yield. The lead car’s only obligation is to leave enough space on the track not to pinch the other car off the track. Max did that here, but Lewis ran wide of the apex and

Now playing

Opinion from Scott Mansell, an actual British racer who knows the track, was that Hamilton was at fault and understeered into Max.