It did. I’ve fixed it, thanks for pointing it out. Kinja is a wonderment and a miracle.
I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about, but I will try.
*weeps with pride*
Uh, whoever comes next is going to be much worse. Boehner isn’t bad in the scheme of things.
By my reading, you’ve gone from asking how laws get passed in Colorado to (incorrectly) lecturing me on it in under an hour.
Nobody really does a referendum in Colorado, although they exist, because we can amend the state constitution with a simple majority of the voters. It’s completely insane, and makes you realize that there is some value to having professional politicians write laws.
“Constantly fucking with the comment system is one of our core values.”
That’s fascinating and all but can someone please explain to me what happened to Kinja overnight? I just got on and I am thrown by the new layout
If the state ever accidentally pulls in more money than the equation Brad Erthal mentioned above, it is legally obligated to cut us all refund checks. It’s called TABOR aka Taxpayer Bill of Rights. The end result is that our schools are incredibly underfunded, and part of the reasoning behind the push for legalization…
As a resident, my understanding is they collected too much- the state has a cap on this. Some school districts have opted out of their share of the revenue also, stupidly. I don’t belive the statement is worded properly, I believe residents would only be refunded the amount of overage, not the entire amount collected.…
Basically, iirc, the state constitution doesn’t let the government raise tax revenue by more than the rate of inflation and population growth without a referendum. They can raise one tax and cut another, but overall revenue is capped.
I’m definitely not afraid of looking my age - but I am afraid of looking afraid to look my age.
All this time I wondered if, somewhere, I had an arch-enemy.
But how can you manage the oh so hefty weight of those sugar babies on top of you, you sensitive thing, you?
Thank god. Hey fatties! You’ve been deemed fuckable by this lady and therefore a person of worth! Congratulations!
yes! thank you!