
the Dora Milaje School for Wishing a Motherfucker Would.

The private sector should step up with green technology RD&D, given the 2017 tax break and piles of corporate cash on hand.

Suddenly, sickened by what he has witnessed, Chef Worf bursts forth from the kitchen and proclaims “Today IS a good day for (pizza) PIE!”

Yes, sort of. You’re eligible for legal REIMBURSEMENT expenses as long as you’re found not guilty; refer to your specific club membership handbook for details.

Do you have any bismuth? That stuff is cool as hell.

Yup. I’ve got some sitting in my collection. Hard to believe it grows that way and it’s not cut.

Iron Pyrite (FeS2) is amazing stuff; in some circumstances it crystallizes into nearly perfect cubes. The molecules just bond together to make this shape. In the picture below the cubes formed naturally; they were not artificially shaped.

I read this story in one of my dad’s Playboys back in ‘87. Loved it then; love it now.

Star Trek’s an easy punching bag. It believes in something, wears it on its sleeve, and occasionally stumbles along the way.

You seriously think that was dirty? What else was Stewart supposed to do after Cooper dropped his head down to the level of Stewart’s elbow? But then again, you think PI is an indication a team is playing dirty so it is pretty clear you have no clue what you are talking about.

He is, but I don’t know how that’s relevant to a fight Michael Crabtree started.

The most egregious thing about Elmo is how he sidelined Grover

They don’t have a decent quarterback, and the blame for that rests entirely with Elway.

And from then on, on the 24th day of every month, the nightmare would always return...(sorry I took away a star instead of giving you one!) 

Not necessarily, so opioid drugs are small molecules but these toxins sound like proteins (enkephalin for example). Proteins can have a hard time crossing the BBB. It may only effect receptors in the spinal cord. I would have to read the paper.

Yeah, I actually liked the statue, but I liked it as a metaphor for standing up to America’s worship of “up” markets - a visual emphasizing that increasing stock prices shouldn’t trample actual the economic needs of people globally.

I would rather we just get rid of the bull, too, and stop trying to lionize the cult of economic growth in lieu of economic happiness.

Just a reminder that people who are being held in immigration detention centers are not being punished for crimes, but these centers are nonetheless run very much like prisons. I think the operators may not always understand the Constitutional significance of the fact that these people are not criminal prisoners.

Also, immediately after a trauma, you often develop a sense of shock, and operating outside of your normal might be more than you can handle. Requesting an uber probably required less cognitive energy than calling for an ambulance.

Yep, and since you didn’t lock your doors you don’t deserve to be helped by the police. Got it.