
Being non-consensually assailed with violent, graphic imagery of rape porn is not even close to the same thing as voluntarily looking at porn that appeals to you.

There's something about interactions between an animal and some smaller animal or baby, where the bigger animal clearly comprehends that it could hurt the other animal and is careful to check its strength, that gets me right in the feels. Right in there. I seriously almost cry every time I see a big dog playing very

I would support a strike and/or a lawsuit. This is bullshit 1) for doing multiple jobs (you'd think an online empire would have an IT dept?) and 2) mental health is health.

I agree in principle, but that dog ain't gonna hunt; too much content and labor is available for free.

I cover for Rebecca sometimes, but she's the one who would really have to be working around the clock. And when I cover I still wake up to comments and emails about rape gifs sometimes. And because I'm on the west coast, I'm hours behind.

It pisses me off as a reader that you have anxiety about this, that it's something you have to think about let alone do. Seriously, can't you guys deputize some of us? From a purely selfish perspective, I want my writers writing, not dealing with these trolls. Leave that to some of us cold-hearted bitches over here.

Mark, after some of the posts you've written, you've got balls thinking that the violent porn gifs in the thread are a bigger threat than my boss walking by and asking, "What's 'rosebudding'?"

Isn't that a bandaid on a bullet wound, though? I can imagine what a pain in your ass it must be to have even a few people reporting this mess. If you get hundreds or thousands (we can dream) reporting this... isn't that going to seriously rearrange your day?

Perfect analogy. I also think a lot of Jezzies would happily serve as responsible mods.

Thanks for all the good work you do, Steve.

Thanks for everythig.

Mark, you are a delight. I often think that, but this post is really making me appreciate all the writers. You keep on keepin' on, and fight the Gawker power. So proud of Jezebel today.

THIS is why I hate the writer-controlled comment-pruning bullshit Denton wants. You have to maintain the comment pool BUT you also have to research and write a bunch of articles a day? I wonder which 'duty' will be dropped first - probably not the one that pays your rent.

For the number of times I've said, "Please send an email to ____________," I can't imagine how many emails the helpdesk and authors have gotten with these images. Thank you to the mods who've forwarded these messages on.

OH GOD I MISS TROLLPATROL. I've had this troll reply to me with porn gifs more than once and it's so irritating. It's not exactly harming my mental health because I'm sane and a grownup and realized long ago the internet isn't a safe space, but it's fucking up my valuable work procrastination schedule. Which is a


Good on you guys for having the courage to use this avenue.

We used to have a waiting period - the 'try-outs' for comments and it took sometimes a week or two to become approved. I'm starting to really miss that.

There are possible solutions/mitigation methods for this issue - putting a waiting period on created burner accounts before they can post images, limiting the number of images that can be posted on a burner account within a certain period of their creation, etc. - but I doubt Denton is willing to do anything that