Working at Gawker Media is a dream job for many of the women on staff here at Jezebel. This is a place that takes…
Working at Gawker Media is a dream job for many of the women on staff here at Jezebel. This is a place that takes…
Somebody died in what may be a criminal act and all you muthfuckas can talk about is caps locks and forum etiquette. DA FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT DUMB SHIT.
Hopefully Deadspin follows up with this guy. And I hope everyone else can somehow pick up the shattered peices of their lives after having to read something in all caps. I know somehow we'll overcome this. We are the greatest generation.
i feel like in general that the under educated and poor surrogates being exploited in this situation have little say in what happens, other than to not surrogate and not make the money they are in dire need of to care for their own families.
Agree.....There needs to be very, very detailed contract. I really don't understand how the surrogate could have refused an abortion, though....It's not her biological or adoptive child...The legalese around surrogacy is incredibly confusing
Yeah, that was the part that raised my eyebrows too. On the one hand, it's her body and her decision. On the other, the child who would result of her pregnancy was unwanted by the people it "belongs" to. I would think that choosing someone for surrogacy would mean making sure you'll all on the same page with the "what…
I feel like, if you are looking into surrogacy, you should make it clear in the contract before inserting fertilized eggs that you have no interest in raising any potential disabled children, so that the surrogate knows going into it that she might have to abort, keep the disabled child, or give it up for adoption. …
I hate this. I hate everything about this.
'The average human stomach holds about 32 ounces.'
I have nothing more to add. Her face on money just makes sense. I mean, she is truly at an unfair level of awesomeness.
I'd pick Kim K over Oprah any day. THERE, I SAID IT.
I say in the post that I'm being facetious, if you read to the end.
We here at the NFL love women! If we didn't, we wouldn't have cheerleaders!
The NFL kind of reminds of those dudes who say they "love women" because they love to have sex with them.
In the original 1980's cartoon? Not so much. She was sometimes a useful asset, but she fell one too many times into the damsel-in-distress category. She was basically the Lois Lane of that show. Ambitious reporter that gets in over her head a lot.
Later adaptions did her much more justice. The early 2000's cartoon…
NOW I'M GONNA FRIEND REQUEST EVERY LAST MOTHERFUCKING ONE OF YA! Aaaaand, Mark already accepted. My day is complete. I'm going to pour a giant glass of wine and go to bed.
As a person who has had CPS called on me by an abusive POS relative who I refused to allow my infant son to know (for obvious reasons) - go fuck yourself asshole. CPS isn't there for you to deal with a problematic living situation that happens to involve a child and a bitchy ex.