
Because ‘attention’, and evidently, everything has to be a BIG BIG DEAL! I give you: promposals. That, and everyone wants their shit to be the next big ‘viral video’. It’s all a bunch of self-congratulatory, self indulgent bull dookey. Every wedding and every birth needs additional expensive, time-consuming holy days

So, which are the Canadians, Irish ones and Swedes? Also, can you seriously tell me that Lori Petty has something better to do than show up for this awesome pic? I bet she still feels in Geena Davis’ shadow... “Mule!.... Nag!”

Yes, the deck in Below Decks is a holodeck and VPR stands for Vulcans Promoting Robots

Malia: “OK, here’ my life-size tattoo of Erik Estrada’s head”

You equating BLM with Nazism says all there is to know about you.

Yes. Mainly because that’s completely and obviously different.

I know. My godson’s mom- a close friend (that’s why he’s my godson, I’m tired!)- didn’t like kids but she was sure she’d like her own. She has two now, and my godson is the youngest, and I swear she couldn’t stand him for like the first 3 years- he’s 4. She and her mom are the same way- when they’re quiet and unseen,

I remember reading a fairly salty/hilarious post from her former classmate that broadly suggested she wasn’t entirely honest in getting that degree...hard to say.

Zero fucks Obama is the best Obama.

I think I’m doing ok! But thanks!

I thought you were serious, but then I got to the Hot Tub Time Machine reference. Ludicrous. Good kinja.

Agreed on all accounts, except I think you forgot when Danny Devito exposed us all to his bae potential.

Sounds amazing. I need to figure out how to get my fridge to give me colder water. #firstworldproblems

Her mom, Lindsey Crouse is pretty talented too. She was great in the David Mamet movies. She was in one of my favorite L&O episodes. And she was wonderfully horrid as Professor Walsh in Buffy.

I wonder if Will would go if his movie Concussion had been nominated for best director (Peter Landesman is white).

In my mind it was Halpert that was tricked into doing 13 Hours because he thought it was another Threat Level Midnight.

If that had been my family, the Pop Tarts would have been donated to “the poor people” which was my Mom’s non-PC euphemism for what nowadays would be termed the “disadvantaged” or the “less fortunate”. She was big on donating stuff she didn’t want or stuff she didn’t think was good for us, and Pop Tarts were in that

Yes, your opinion is much more important because you are a mother. Please go on.

I’m a scientist, so I constantly have to convert back and forth between the metric system and freedom units.