
Yeah, I agree. I think I'm sticking to the rivers and the lakes that I'm used to.

"Good luck with that."

Uh, yeah, citation please. You're presenting a view inconsistent with the vast majority of evidence which Jezebel has spent years sharing. The majority of attacks on children in bathrooms have not been from women. They've been from cisgender men. Even many men who have attacked boys have, under interrogation, revealed

*bangs head repeatedly against wall*

>article about safety concerns for gender non-conforming folk, trans women, non-binary folks, butch cis women, trans men, etc.

"Homeschooling" is usually shorthand for "I don't want you filling my child's head full of 'facts' that are in disagreement with my incredibly fucked-up world view and/or cult-like belief system."

If you have experience in child-education and live in an extremely rural area with one school and all they teach is gym and home ec and some kind of twisted neo-con social studies and you can't afford boarding school, then fine. Home school your kid. Otherwise? NO.

RBG I'ma need you to lock Scalia in the bathroom until this is all over and done with, please and thank you

Any future political platform I may have will necessarily include outlawing gender reveal parties or other associated hooplah.

Ben & Jerry's formally declares war on 2015 New Year's resolutions.

Yeesh, it's like a clown runs that place.

Yes! It was an odd episode when they had Tom Cruise on at the beginning, solo, then he left and everyone else came on ... will try and find clip.

In this instance, Texas is, sadly, acting like the lowest common denominator. Doesn't take much effort on anyone's part to paint them as such.

...uh, you do know I'm a Texan, right? You do know I went to school at UT and was a member of the capitol press corps? Oh, and I did my graduate work at another Texas university in government and political science? Uh huh. I thought not.

Righhhht. And if you rape someone, you're a rapist. Despite what you think you are or what you think you feel about women.

(isn't that really quaint? A city saving a bridal shop?)

Pedantic Penal Colony Progeny Puts Down Provider of Prose, Proves to be Premier Peon.

"Acting," although he is an athlete (football player). He plays the guy that get accused and Jessica is SURE he's innocent (even though she just met him a day or two before).

I'm highlighting this post for a couple reasons: