
My parents added an in-law suite when I was in high school, and even though my grandmother no longer lives with my folks, you can pry the second fridge from her cold-dead hands.

I don’t think W. counts as a tee-totaler. He simply drank all the alcohol before he became president.


This cracked me up far more than it should.

Non white and woman cops are the go to scapegoats if you have one available. White dude. The brotherhood of the uniform will protect you.

Being a childfree leftie has never felt so satisfying than when the Cheeto praises mothers.

The Weston scholarship sounds way better.

Can I take a guess and say you were a kid in the 70's? People of that era are absurdly proudthat safety wasn’t worried about. I’m also guessing those people didn’t watch a sibling or classmate get maimed or killed.

I have literally never had this happen once at the multiple paneras I’ve been to. Though I’m not a picky person who needs a million modifies. Usually those people are the ones that have that issue.

Omg that would make me crazy. Possible thought: husband is a trapped time traveler from the past. My mother is selective about this . She won’t call in takeout but will use the kiosks at places that offer them. She pays bills online but won’t deposit a check with her phone app. Convincing her that she can use the

I did not know that about Japanese culture.

If Prince Edward Island can subsist on Anne of Green Gables all these years.

I shudder if any of those kids are LGBTQ without a safe haven to escape to.

I remember explaining to my husband what it was when we got the invite for his sister’s (42, second kid she just thinks she’s 25 and this is acceptable). Husband: “We’re not going to that crap”.

Can places go with the Panera method, food is ready, waiting and in an area completely separate where the retired couple is staring befuddled at the menu while the poor teenager behind the counter wants to stab them.

As someone who’s doing Weight Watcher but enjoys the sauce if you’re not counting your booze it’s literally pointless. Same for non-alcoholic drinks for that matter. Hence why I switched from red wine to vodka 5 points versus 3.

Ugh this. I’m a corporate recruiter for a retailer, we had to let an old white dude go because he thought in a training class full of minorities was the best time to explain all the problems with Black Lives Matter.

I’ve also learned that generally people who are like that in restaurants are generally jerks but better at hiding in other aspects of their life hence why you didn’t notice right away.

Bacon and egg on a roll with a side of applesauce was and is my mom’s go to dinner. Because after work, commute and 3 kids to feed let’s go for easy, tasty and protein.

Can we talk about the more pressing issue: WTF IS GOING ON WITH HER HAIR? I’m praying that’s for a role and that trash fire of a hair cut from the 90s doesn’t come back to popularity.