
Yes! Let’s have fun with the universe, Also I’m a sucker for nerdlove.

Oh man the whole Pride and Prejudice sequels and re imaginings are practically a genre at this point. One from the POV of a much more savvy Mrs. Bennett would be a good one. She acts super flighty and over the top because she figured out early in the marriage that was the only way to get Mr. Bennett to take notice.

It’s exactly what we should be doing and leaving the dregs of rural white America to Jesus and meth.

I just got a visual of a bunch of grizzled girl scouts sitting with a bottle of gin lamenting the old days like tiny fallen gangsters. “We were Queens! We owned this neighborhood”.

I feel like if they showed Trump and his supporters the old 70's commercial showing Coke as the drink of peace and harmony they’d all switch to Pepsi. Because Pepsi is hot garbage and that is fact.

Is Skinner still a Vietnam vet or has he been retconned into Gulf War? Or the time-stamped The Way We Was episode with Homer and Marge graduating high school in the ‘70s.

Has anyone had successful kitchen sex? It’s always fun in theory in the heat of the moment but then it’s a lot of work for little reward.

So if Trump is having some weird stroke/neurological/what have you issue that people are speculating about how much of a hit is McDonalds going to take? How do you come back from that PR nightmare?

Ugh so many shrugs back in the day. My mother would only let me out of the house in anything sleeveless or spaghetti strapped if I had a shrug or covering on. We’re not religious, she just had it in her brain that shrugs prevent...date rape I guess.

The Buy One, Take One was a fantastic way to get people who normally wouldn’t come in. If I’m on a fixed income and I’m only getting one occasion to go out, that is 100% best bang for my buck.

Psst....you’re the relative people are complaining about. Just like an FYI.

Don’t forget the racists and armed militias!

Omg the Auntie Barbara call. I need to YouTube that.

The episodes where Aunt Jackie deals with her abusive boyfriend are so damn heartbreaking and are some of the first where she got to really show off her dramatic talent on that show.

Are Patti Labelle pies the big thing still or was that just a fad? I’m toying with making a Pecan cheesecake I saw on Pinterest. Because this is the only time of year a person can be that decadent. Because dessert needed the unholy marriage of pie and cheesecake.

Marty was the “Nice Guy” let me put friendship coins into Rory and sex will pop out. Logan, yes he’s a rich dude-bro but was very clear that he had a sexual interest in her.

Seriously I’ve met plenty of shitty, misogynistic, gay men. I remember when I was 16, a gay guy grabbed my boobs and then acted like I was ridiculous when I smacked his nose.

Omg the tour thing. Can we eliminate the tour thing? Because unless its your Wee one leading the tour, I don’t need it.

Dudes speak to your ladies before you propose. I would have 100% preferred going on a cruise then getting a ring. My ring was about 2k, and lives next to my $50 wedding band from Etsy. My husband regretted his decision when I smacked him in the eye with a diamond he was buying on installment in a failed maneuver

Bros and gross middle-aged dudes who were basically pissed that being a husband and father was the worst because wives expect you to like do stuff, man. That seemed to be his largest fanbase.