> But, with those seats that Amos and Prax were in, they’d be turned to goo after the first hard burn
> But, with those seats that Amos and Prax were in, they’d be turned to goo after the first hard burn
Great idea. Wont help.
None of the other versions hold a candle to the noir version with the voiceover.
I kind of liked Skyline.
Wait... That train ran her over! Since when is Squirrel Girl invulnerable?? (or nigh-invulnerable?)
I can’t rewatch Castaway. The scene where Wilson floats away just kills me...
“You’re going to use this to make weapons?”
How can it have the Batcopter and not have a rope ladder and shark???!!!
The Producers meets Capricorn One... what a great concept!!! funnee
Maybe Luke’s in hiding because he tried to train Kylo but realized too late that Kylo was drawn to the Dark Side.
Vin is awesome because he loves genre movies like this and just totally throws himself into them. He is an old-school D&D player and the chance to play out ridiculous over-the-top fantasy roles has to be a joy for him.
I remember reading a bit about Thanos and how his big weakness is that he subconsciously sabotages himself. Deep down he does not think he deserves to rule the universe, so he stops himself from doing the job right.
Just take one up to the ISS, throw it out the airlock, and turn it on...
I always liked Dr Pulaski for much the same reasons you mention. She is a realist in a show about optimism and hope. She is curmudgeony and combative. And her treatment of Data was great and an excellent contrast to everyone else who just accepted him.
I think it is simple... The Brain went to Tomorrowland sometime in the 90s and became its leader. The videos are just his normal way of narcissistically monologging his nightly plan to take over somewhere.
A vertical landing seems to unstable (higher center of mass) and risk prone. Seems like a bigger barge maybe with a wide net would be a better solution to prioritize recovery over style.
I can totally buy the Korrasammi ship, but I honestly think it is better if they are two people who are in friend-love, not romantic-love. More importantly they are two strong women whose friendship has a good solid arc. I think the ending is a "together we can survive this" more-so than a "we are together" kind of…
If the thing is powered by metal bending why can not the metal benders in Iroh's army take it out?... Or just get some earth benders to collapse the ground underneath it?...
Brilliant... I could see this as a series