Stephen F Roberts

He was also playing two different iterations of the same character, and managed to nail both of them. Going to show what a great actor he is.

Hopefully he’s not ignored come awards season, he was absolutely the best part of an amazing show. My expectations as a fan of the games were literally ‘don’t faceplant’ and they wildly exceeded what I thought was possible.

I can’t decide who absolutely nailed their assignment more: The makeup artist crushing it on the ghoul’s appearance, or Walton Goggins’ parents just absolutely hitting the nail on the head when selecting his name. 

And do frozen embryos exposed to pornographic content count?

gotta love patent law, forcing you by law to make your products worse.

Intellectual property law was a mistake and should be eliminated.

Goldman Sachs has always squandered funds and backed gods like Donald Trump because he was bad for finances. Apple Card must not be losing money fast enough for them.

No, I’m pretty sure the Netflix shows did cost a percentage of that. Any number is a percentage of 150 million.

With mixed reviews for Loki Season 2"

The Boimler/Rutherford conflict may have been the weaker plot, but it had the biggest laugh of the episode for me: when they’re arguing with each other as the dueling Twains and Boimler just starts yelling “Grits Grits Grits!”.

They have invested a lot in expensive real estate (that they now can’t sell). That’s why they want you back in the office. That’s the answer.

Every time the old men in charge of my company suggest that my team switch from voluntary hybrid to mandatory 7 day a month hybrid, they spout total bullshit like ‘working in-person strengthens bonds and increases happiness in workgroups.’ I always have two responses. First, please cite the studies that show in-person

So, roughly 17 million commercial flights in a year, with 300 near collisions. That is 0.0018%.

Yes, “near collisions” is a great attention grabber, in 2022 there were nearly 43,000 US automobile related deaths, or ~ 8274 per week. 

Doesn’s Canadian new legislation apply to Twitter as well? 

to somehow incentivize reporters to write news directly onto Twitter itself.

Lovely, now conservatives are going to want to ban radio usage of all kinds.  They won’t understand that it was just a weird analogy.

Uber can cost as much or more than a cab, but I tried a cab for the first time in many years and was very quickly reminded why they were so easily replaced.  I was completely repulsed by every bit of the experience from an industry that did jack shit to try and regain lost customers.  I felt like I went back in time. 

Since Uber and Lyft entered the market, drivers have worked in an almost completely unregulated work environment with often very low wages and essentially no workers’ rights

Until Threads is more than just a phone app, it’s not going to compete with Twitter. I’m probably an outlier, but until I can access Threads in my laptop browser (or iPad, via either browser or app), I’m not going to spend much time with it.

It would be absolutely necessary to have your base of operations in a state where if you need to abort the launch, it’s legal to do so.

This is directly (another) Republican murder in intertwining ways.