Stephen F Roberts

Everyone knows you can’t pop up the Voltron head until after everything is assembled.

Musk has made many many many mistakes with Twitter, but eliminating link text might not be one of them. It is kind of dumb and annoying, but not pulling in any text from the linked-to page seems to solve the whole “link tax” problem legacy media has sold to politicians. Their whole argument is that by showing

I’ll have to see what “magnetic attachment” means, but I’m skeptical. I thought the easy-change latch for watch bands might have been the single best innovation to come out of the watch, and the best part is it is a positive physical lock so I know the band is secure.

Age verification is a security nightmare. They can’t keep password lists safe, how are we to believe the companies can keep your personal information for age verification safe?

This has never been about Google “stealing” news. If the news groups don’t like their news shared by Google they can add a robots.txt file to their website to block the search crawlers. Google should not have to pay a link tax to send clicks to them.

However they solve the anti-stalking problem, couldn’t it be used by thieves to thwart attempts by you to track your stolen gear?

We need them to not accept a settlement so that actual legal precedents can be set. Fox can overcome a financial penalty, but it is much harder to hide from a good ruling.

If you don’t give your consent to being tracked, how are they supposed to charge you? In order to know you have paid the fine, they have to track you, but you didn’t give consent to track, so they can’t know you paid the fine.

I would be happy if my laptop had less battery. I mostly use it as a portable-but-plugged-in computer. Only rarely do I ever use it away from a wall. I would gladly sacrifice battery for more CPU/GPU, memory, or HD space (much less of a problem these days).

> Replying “ok...” can leave a text reader feeling as if you’re leaving something unsaid.

I think my dreams were telling me something since I had a dream of building a robot model out of metal over the weekend. Maybe if I go to eating ramen 3 meals a day for a month I can swing this.

They will be missing a big opportunity if they don’t prove it turns out to be old man Wilkenson stirring up those ghosts...

Great episode. They really should stick to the simple formula : wandering guy-with-a-gun shows up, solves the town’s problems, then has to move on.

I just think it is a bit of a stretch for Baby Yoda to be 50... It’s one thing to have an extended “youth” phase, but 50 years a toddler??? that is whacky!

I still have fond memories of Genesis II. I found it at just the right time and the campiness of the 70s just struck a chord in me.

They look a bit wrong... The art style is usually more short and stout and these guys seem too tall and thin.

They are way closer than friends. Definitely not gay lovers (or anything close to that). They are more like brothers who started off hating each other, but realized over the centuries they are actually more like a single person split in two.

Setting up the multiverse would solve the dead Black Widow problem as well as set us up for all kinds of fun-filled crossovers.

I’ve never understood the bunker mentality. I don’t want to die, but if there is some kind of zombie/pandemic/societal-collapse type apocalypse I hope I die early. Eaking out a life in a bunker while the world outside is destroyed would be more like hell than any kind of life.

Having the whole story being Lando dictating would have been great. We’ve seen similar ideas of people remembering events and it would have been a new idea in the Star Wars universe. It also would have let the authors jump around a bit more with Han’s story and play more with the unreliable narrator trope to exaggerate