
I’ve learned more about myself in the months between relationships than I have in the years within relationships. That’s not to say I’m not growing or continuing to learn about myself, but it was in those months that I learned how to feel comfortable without the constant social pressure and programming that had come

Wholeheartedly agree. I had the same situation after a bad transitional relationship shortly after college started. I took myself out of the game because I didn’t like who I was becoming, and about a year later, I met my then future-wife. Always good to get some perspective.

Basically Talia roofied him when they conceived Damien. Also Nightwing was raped twice, once by Tarantula while he was delirious and once by the shapeshifter Syren by taking appearance of Starfire and having sex with him.

... Can we get a wiki on the Batman rape victim thing? o.O

Kickstarter that please!

Aquaman controlling Cthulhu...I would watch the shit out of that any day of the week.

This movie needs to be made NOW!

I sea what you did there.

Kevin Smith once said that when he talked to Mark Hamill it was revealed that part of Hamill’s Star Wars deal was receiving one of every single Star Wars toy ever made, which he keeps in a warehouse unopened. I want to make THAT heist movie.

I certainly don't have a get away vehicle lined up, nor some really cool ski masks we could wear. And I don't want to be called by the code name "Rocket Ninja 1".

DC should hire you to write their movies.

All this does, is remind me that if Marvel ever gets the Fantastic Four IP back, not only should they do a great Doctor Doom, that they can, or actually should do a balls out, no apologies given, badass bastardly antihero Namor movie, shouting “Imperious Rex” as he clocks Captain America.


“Personally I would prefer it if Aqua Man spent the beginning of the film gathering together the baddest, most mentally unstable sea life in the ocean together to form a team to face the threat that Superman represents to the world’s oceans.”

“most mentally unstable sea life in the ocean together to form a team”

So GI joe’s climactic scene, plus aqua man? I'm in

Promising start, but could you turn this over to Patton Oswalt for his next citizen’s filibuster....

THAT’S a game I would def. play. This sounds....not good.

I’ve yet to demo anything that made me wake up in the morning eager to try it again.