There’s a difference between events like that and multi-day conventions.
There’s a difference between events like that and multi-day conventions.
This has to be the most out of touch reaction I’ve read.
Cheaper the sooner you buy for D*C too. My pass for 2020 that I bought in the week after 2019 well before anything was going down with Covid was I think $90. D*C only hits $140 if you’re buying at the last minute really.
Dragon Con is still going on as well that same weekend, which usually brings in 80,000-100,000 people. They claim they’re running at reduced capacity (whatever nebulous number that is), and will only sell one day badges online with a cap on how many they sell, but I guess we’ll see how many people actually go. Georgia…
So the thing about this series is that the Jezebel writers are all just kinda winging it instead of hiring architecture writers. As a result, some are better than others, especially when it comes to historical research. Rich’s article wasn’t half bad. Megan’s was atrocious. This one is middle-of-the-road. But they all …
I asked where the author got it from, not where you got it from. I read the article and saw you cited this lady. But I cannot find a singular other source calling a room that, nor have I ever heard it called that in any arena.
With Life in Aggro, it’s best to think of it less as a comic and more as a series of illustrated panels where some some may be interrelated and some may reference a thing, but neither of those elements guarantee a narrative.
I don’t know what the king of the hill stuff was about, but the last panels was definitely a Tales from the Crypt gag. That’s how the show would always end, with the Crypt Keeper making bad puns about what you just watched.
I have zero idea what the life in aggro comic was about past some King of the Hill references? Was it supposed to be funny? Referencing some meme I'm unaware of?
keep in mind that 34.99 isn’t just for the console, it also covers 2 years of xbox live and game pass. which, if you paid for everything individually would cost you $859.
You do realise that the installments include 24 months of access to Live gold and gamepass?
The country, like much of the rest of the world, is also doing much better job of containing the virus than the U.S.
God. Wear a fucking mask. This is not about your assault. It is the worst thing that could ever have happened to you. And it truly sucks. And fuck that guy/girl/human. But, you know what? This isn’t about that. And we all have traumatic shit we are dealing with right now. Wear a mask or stay the fuck home.
I thought people were protesting against the police, not wanting them to be more unaccountable...
Somehow I’ve completely missed this game before, but the raw enthusiasm on display here has got my attention. One question:
And it only covers memorials for veterans of the United States armed forces, so any statue honoring a veteran of an unrecognized republic (like the Confederate States of America) is still fair game!
Trump has “enacted an act” called the “Statue and Monument Act” that comes with a ten-year jail sentence for trying to deface statues.
You are all worrying for nothing. The specific people not covering their noses with their masks are not endangering you in any way. The reason, they’re mouth breathers.
I’ve never experienced anything close to supernatural my entire life. I’ve gone to plenty of houses that were supposedly haunted, a couple of castles, a bunch of cemeteries, and never caught a peep of anything unusual going on besides some funky mold. I’ve had friends swear that they would take me to places that were…