
There is something more terrifying than that: a Changling Borg.

Glad that she went traditional with a fist-bump marriage.

List of things Archie messed up:

Guess I will have to be content with my full set of gold Pokemon cards I got from burger King back in the day. I much prefer the poke ball holders anyway.

Is there something wrong with the Xbox version I’m not aware of when compared to the PS4?

In the universe of Westworld your wifu is real life-u.

Studies on the Apollo astronauts indicate that cardiovascular issues are the real dangers for those that leave Earth’s magnetosphere.

It’s a baffling choice.

Yay! When we discover intelligent life out there we’ll find out that it’s 95% sea creatures!

Ouch, finishing off Mega Metagross with Super Fang?

A gorilla basketball league sounds like a great idea. We should get on that irl.

No, that’s a myth. Piss isn’t sterile at all.

Football monkey?

Somehow I doubt they went to those lengths.

Well, that’s definitive confirmation of no new Eevee evolution.

I think people that surf at the shark bite capital of the world shouldn’t be surprised to get bitten by sharks.

Fourth paragraph down you misspelled “Original.”

It’s your turn. Play the game, Wesley.

When I saw the text in the video I read it at first as: “...cats hate meow :( "

Now if there was another way for Pokemon to get strong other than eating candy...