
As long as he calls Professor Oak his “cuz” I’ll be happy.

They wasted the perfect opportunity to have Tuvok have a holodeck program based on Frasier that he uses to relax.

She did seem to take quite a bit of satisfaction at starting the self destruct at the end...

Lower our expectations. A show set in the past but introducing new technology and species.

You think somebody needs to be sued or arrested to be considered an asshole?

Yup, nuking an asteroid would be terrible which is why I didn’t suggest it.

Size matters, as does where it hits.

I downloaded a “shame bell” app for just moments like this!

It sucks but it’s gonna take an asteroid hitting us to get everyone off their asses and make some sort of defense system for the planet.

My birthday is judgement day? Neat!

Yeah, I have. Asimov, in my opinion, was weakest when it came to crafting realistic and fully fleshed out characters. Men and women usually were extremely one dimensional.

What? Kind of a random response to my post.

This is such a shame. I’ve enjoyed seeing him in passing the last few years. He liked to go to my favorite Japanese restaurant with his family.

Aw man, I never knew that fact about Asimov... Well that just sucks. I thought he might have been a decent human being especially after the subjects of many of his novels.

It’s like seeing Tom Cruise‘s true height before they fix it with angles and cgi.

Need more details on these parties. Do share!

I’m really hoping that he wears a tank top at some point in the movie.

You need to practice in preparation for the eradication fleets. Our lives depend on it!

“NickelBack was truly the last straw."

*watches trailer* Hmm... I don’t know, I’m not convinced...