
Oooh, I know this one... tennis!

The first animated gif made it look like this was some sort of new underwater robot. I didn’t think for a second that this was a living thing. The side shot makes it look “living” to my brain.

Not filled with sand. Filled with ball bearings and pits for them to fall into.

I still have some d100's that are almost completely round and filled with sand so they eventually stop moving. Those are ridiculous but at least fulfill the roll of percentile die.

And as Sanders loses states and makes it clearer that he’s in the race to influence policy, it becomes apparent that Trump, as a candidate in the general, will be spouting one inane sentence after another aabout Hillary Clinton’s gender.

The only presidents we’ll need to have after Hillary would be: a gay president, a non-christian president, an atheist president (technically covered under non-christian but probably harder to elect), a trans president, a hispanic president..

Is Life in Aggro a comic that has an ongoing story? It never seems to be funny or really have a one shot joke for these Sunday comics.

Until the day, Mickey willing, they do a reboot of the prequels. Oh, how I hope that occurs within Lucas’ lifetime.

Got it, so they need the bone marrow too.

It’s an interesting idea at the very least. Does this mean if somebody captured a Jedi, Sith, or general Force sensitive person, you drained their blood, you stored it properly so it didn’t decompose within the droid, that they could utilize Force powers?

Well, Synder sold his soul to some demon to get in charge of the DC movie universe. He could have chosen any number of other things, but he chose that.

I imagine he’s going to use it as a way to test the waters for certain events in the story. He gave the HBO team an outline of all the major events he had plotted (at that time) for the rest of the story.

I’ve always figured that George RR Martin wouldn’t keep up pace with the television show. He writes at a glacial pace and he admits as much. I’m not judging him for it or telling him to write faster, I just acknowledge it as a fact at this point.

Too bad Coca-cola can’t do this since their original formula had cocaine in it.

Nice. I’ve always hated Pepsi because it has some sort of weird sickly sweet aftertaste. Do these versions have that?


I would enjoy reading that comic.

Somebody desperately needs to make a settlement inhabited soley by cats.