
Not sure if the New Republic would be any different from the Empire in their view of droids. I’ve seen very little evidence in the movies that the majority of people see them as anything more than sophisticated tools.

It’s just so hard to type on this thing...

I actually wonder if Luke would bother to do anything official with transferal of ownership. I imagine he’d probably just sigh at C3P0 and say:

Kudos +1 for remaining in the dark for a meme that most gamers have heard of since 2010.

Yup, truly murdering Marcy is reserved for the PC master race.

I’d be interested to see more development for droids in the Star Wars universe, especially delving into the more independent unit’s thoughts of slavery.

It’s too bad that you can’t actually murder her because she’s still flagged as essential.

I wonder if they all have all gone through the bat-branding process?

Anyone know if this trailer is up anywhere?

Wow, I remember spending way too much time with this about 6 years ago.

This is just another reminder for people: just because some actors are famous does not make them smart.

Poor Iron Giant, all he needed was a friend.

I’ve worked with sound design, captioning, and description services. I can feel your pain. I especially hate when directors make last minute changes to video that is due the next day.

Oh, it’s pretty standard for the industry for production people to get fucked and to be given impossible deadlines.

Region restricted video? Lame!

I was only mentioning Louise in the case of them needing a way to counter/fight Superman in some fashion.

Three weeks of reshoots are going to push the cost of this film up by several million easily. Not really all that standard unless something has gone wrong.

The Ministry of Magic has no right to regulate crypto-magical currency! Let us all keep our Peeves Coins in peace!

Interesting that wizards coming into the US during that period respect muggle nomag authorities so much that they actually go through customs instead of bypassing it completely through teleportation or whatnot.

Man, wizards really do go to such lengths not to pay duty on their goods, eh?