
Holy Cow! I just saw this car yesterday! There were actually 10 of them in a row, traveling as a group. I figured it was either a press event of some kind, or for a pro golf event happening in the area.

See here's where I have problems with some of your argument... I know for a fact that some of these student athletes get all kinds of perks and help; free room and board while living off campus, tutoring for those not making the grades they need to, free vehicles for them to "use" that they never had to pay for gas

Hehehe you must not get up to the Orlando area very often then..... Central Florida is not pretty Chill anymore....

No, we're not hated per se.... we just seem to attract a lot of the crazies down here. They must love the heat......

**** Not the final product ****

you sir, get the gold today!

No, my brother-in-law has dual citizenship. Just means you have to follow the rules for both countries!

Yes you are the only one.... ;)

If you look through some of the videos of the event the CALA was actually there! I hadn't seen the design and had to look it up!

You need to do your research there buddy. They've shown much better images and videos of the interior, and it IS carbon fibre. You'll notice it's also integrated into the headrests of the seats as well (which supposedly are available in 3 different varieties). Just because it doesn't have extremely glossy finish

Eisenhower Tunnel, west of Denver in Colorado. Loveland Pass, which splits off from the interstate just before the tunnel, is also a great stretch of road to drive!

People, READ the description of what Xi3 and Valve have here.... this is a dedicated PC. There are lots of other pics and videos of the machine out there. There are 3 models the company makes, 2 of which just debuted at CES; the new entry 3a, their base model 5a, and their new high end 7a. The pics they've shown show

She's a harbor queen. Old School hull design and not very flattering above the main deck.

Odd, I don't recall playing SpaceChem..... ever!?

People, people, it's a blatant copy of the YF-23 NOT the F-22... the fighter that wasn't chosen by the DoD for the next gen interceptor. I mean wow, a hardcore knockoff!!


it's the floor... if you look across the rest of the front clip it carries all the way across. it's an elevation change in the floor.

Is no one mentioning why the HELL everyone has all of the Wii U games from Nintendo themselves priced at $100 each?!?!? All of the other 3rd party games are priced properly, so why are only the Nintnedo ones priced so high???

You didn't read did you... there is no key, it's a push button start vehicle.

I believe that this is about a flashback section of the film everyone, not the main part of the film.