This is just bad business on the part of the dealership owner and management.
Saints Row 2, Saints Row The Third, and Saints Row IV came to PS3, but not Saints Row. Mass Effect only came to PS3 last year, and I don't want to have to wait half a decade to play a (IMO) great game.
That's all a matter of opinion of your PS3 list the only exclusives I liked were Heavy Rain, Last of Us, and you can throw Beyond Two Souls in there. For the 360 it was Saints Row, Mass Effect, and Dead Rising (could care less about Halo or Gears). There's no way you can definitely say one system had better exclusives…
Then you haven't played GW2, because the game does F2P perfectly. Infact, its much better than wow in that respect.
Personally, I think GW2 has the best system right now. Pay once, play as long as you want. Plus balanced micro-transactions.
I'm sorry that my state is so stupid at times..
And by "at times", I mean "most of the time."
First, its not 'obnoxious' to call another platform 'lesser' when its fact. The xbox 360, and PS3 are lesser platforms in pretty much every way to PC's. And he didn't take any random jabs at anyone. He took a fairly pointed jab at Apple, that wasn't random, as it directly related to what he would want from…
While I understand your points, there are two main issues I have with your argument.
But they're not micro-transactions. No, really - they're not. Example of a micro-transaction: in-game in Planetside 2, you pull up your Station Cash page, buy some, then go get yourself some sweet shotgun you would have had to grind for a while to get otherwise. Or in a Facebook game, paying to get more mana or energy…
Evan completely mischaracterized that first quote. He was very clearly speaking only about the PS3 and XBox 360, which ARE lesser pieces of hardware than even a modest gaming PC. In the more substantial quote, he states that he would consider developing for the PS4 and XBO if the online environments were made more…
Yes! That just looked like the most awesome way to hold an axe. Hoping that's not just placeholder graphics/animations...
The only problem with this is that YouTube has existed as a censored forum for years. That's why there are rules that have to be agreed to upon use. That's why it's not a porn site. Freedom of speech is nice, and something we're all entitled to, but YouTube is privately owned and has terms of service. Censorship…