
I'd like to know if these are in resolutions larger than these so we could use the shots as wallpapers.... ?

Don't forget that this meathead has had other run-ins with the law. The domestic battery charge and restraining order say a lot to the guy's character....

The SDR V-Storm WR3! Super fast Exo-car, with F1-style 3 seating positions!

Hah! I'm glad I'm not the only one that went "Ugg!!" after seeing that welding job. They could at least have cleaned it up some....

@RainyDayInterns: You know you're suppose to add a "/sarcasm" mark after writing something like that right? ;)

@littlephiish: They do go over that mark, I've seen one do it personally... I almost think Lamborghini downplay their top ends on purpose... Maybe some tax incentive if their vehicles only go so fast....?

@RentalCarGuy still believes schöne Kombis heißen Avant: I've seen it happen in real life on the deck of a carrier - the arresting wire broke after a failed trap, and flew across the deck taking the leg of an arresting crew member clean off. The momentum or energy in the wire has a lot to do with it.

Lexus LFA