
Hey, I loved For All Mankind!

The most brown camper I’ve ever seen is the giant rusty piece of shit that someone keeps parking in “trailer row” on the street below my balcony. I’m ok with the area becoming the de facto place to park trailers since I refuse to be a NIMBY and those people have to leave somewhere. But this one rusty POS was parked in

In fact, I’ve read so many of these stories, I even doubt Lizzo’s claim that she is, in fact, “100 percent that bitch.”

Like, I used to love The Aristocrats

“You Are A Shark” is probably one of my all time favorite books. Ahhhh sweet sweet nostalgia.

The Veidt video bothered me for the same reasons spelled out above, and more (like, don’t Deepfakes exist in 2019 Watchmen world?).

SIGORN-E is on AV Club!

Spending $1.4 million on an MMO character...I mean if that’s your thing and you have the money, go for it.

How is this missing Ian from Shameless???

Blame it on the rain!

They look quite a bit like the similarly-afflicted characters in Space Channel 5, which I think is what first started me thinking about the Dreamcast as I played.

We have a custom Slack emoji at my work that’s just an “F”, but on mouseover says “press_F_to_pay_respects”. We use it when like, a computer or server dies or something like that. If someone is feeling cheeky we might use it about someone who’s left the company, but I’m not sure how the HR department feels about that.

That strip came out literally the day that I got my level 40 mount before my wife, and we had an uncomfortable conversation similar to this article.

I’ll stick with the Privy Council, thank you very much.

I paid for it way back in 2013. Let’s see if I get my key.

Of course they can (and honestly I think that would be hilarious). But do I need to point out dick-swords weren’t historically accurate?

And, of course, there’s a literal slot machine you can pull to match three gems and potentially win back your self-respect.

I’m waiting for the inevitable interview this new Telltale has with 8chan in order to be “edgy”. Followed, of course, by the “we didn’t know 8chan was terrible” non-apology.

Welcome to Costco, I love you.

P.S. Nobody, and I truly mean NOBODY, is going to be saddened if you stop “popping in” to this website. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and move along, you sad little crying man-baby troll.