Counter-point: Many people actually want articles like this and want to hear more about the ethical aspects of the industry and the world.
Counter-point: Many people actually want articles like this and want to hear more about the ethical aspects of the industry and the world.
This is ridiculous. Of course Bruce Lee could beat Dracula. He beat Chuck follows then that he pretty much could beat anyone.
Deep Rising...I saw that with some friends super high and we could not stop laughing through the whole runtime. I can’t even remember what we were laughing about, but I think it was the fact that everything about that movie was ridiculous and stupid.
“I guess I messed up because he got hurt. But I’m a patriot”
I have a very similar Alienware to yours (basically last year’s model) and use a rolling table up to my recliner. I keep it on a serving tray turned upside down, so it’s about an inch off the rest of the table, so when I put drinks on the table proper, if they spill, they spill onto another part of the table.
This feels like a Ken M troll.
Looks like...
“We just want to maintain the historical authenticity”
Cum Hither
Welp, I’m sold.
One of the great tragedies of the modern world is that people with long diatribes have decided that Twitter is the best place to get those diatribes out, 280 characters at a time.
So it’s entirely possible you’ve already done this and just forgot about it?
How do we fix this? How do you make a swath of incredibly stupid, selfish people change their minds?
I don’t have any ideas, but if this turns into all-out civil war, I’m 100% in.
I have the opposite situation. My 7 year old son ONLY wants to play whatever it is I’m playing. It doesn’t just seem to be a case of “I’m only interested because Daddy’s interested”. He genuinely seems to have the same tastes as I do. And those tastes are “whatever the newest game that came out this week”. I finally…
We do this in San Francisco at BART stations. BART always tries to tell us not to because it “breaks the escalators” (riiiiight), but when 99% of the people are doing it, who’s going to be the guy who stands blocking “traffic” because BART said so. It’s not going to happen.
When are companies going to learn it’s just not worth licensing someone else’s IP to make your show/game/whatever? Especially when that someone else is Disney. Netflix learned that mistake. Gazillion learned that mistake tragically.
A TG-16 library without Bonk’s Adventure and (especially) Military Madness is not a TG-16 library. If they pull this bullshit, it’s going to be as successful as Sony’s attempt was.
Dammit, now I can’t unsee this. Thanks a lot.
Don’t forget crying! He was crying too. That fucking pile of human waste.